These are the words that end an inspirational book:
“Rather than living in fear of the unknown, I live in the knowledge that life is fantastic. “
( from ‘Courage Through a Lens: A Breast Cancer Journey’)
And these were the words that ended an inspirational life:
“Do not be sad, but this morning, on Saturday, I passed on to a better place, without any pain, my body was broken but my spirit was still strong. It was time to let go and find peace, which I have.
I am truly grateful as I have experienced true happiness and fulfilled all my dreams. Live in the moment and enjoy life.”
(These words were posted on the Facebook page of Kiki van de Laar on Saturday.)
For many women battling breast cancer Kiki van de Laar was an inspiration.
But for her two children Tatum and Mick, she was simply Mum.
The Adelaide mother-of-two was only twenty-seven when she found a small lump in her breast. Initailly she dismissed it.
“It’s probably nothing, I thought”, Van de Laar told Medzine.
A couple of weeks and a lot of testing, scans and biopsies later she found out it wasn’t nothing, it was something that would change the course of her life.
Being a photographer herself, Kiki van de Laar started searching for photos on what it was like to go through breast cancer treatment, but she couldn’t find anything that helped her.
She decided to do something positive with her diagnosis.
“As a professional photographer I can make the difference because I know how to catch a moment.” she said at the time.
From that moment on, Kiki took her camera with her everywhere she went.
She underwent a lumpectomy and was given the news she suffered an aggressive triple negative tumor and she needed a mastectomy.
She recorded the chemotherapy, the radiotherapy, the lot for five days a week, six weeks long – all on her camera.