
Mythbusting: What age should children start taking fish oil?

Thanks to our brand partner, Pharmacare

Many parents know of the benefits of giving fish oil to children. If you’re not familiar, Omega 3 (which is the essential fatty acid found in fish oil) has been shown to help support healthy brain function, eyes and vision, cognitive development, nervous system and support healthy behaviour.

However, as a parent it can be hard knowing exactly when is the right time to start your child on a fish oil supplement. I get it, the days are long and there are so many things to get done. With your hands full, finding the time to do your research is almost laughable. But we’ve made it easy for you. Here’s the lowdown on the right time, and a good supplement, for your little one.

Jacqui Porter
My three beautiful kids, all at different stages of their lives. Image: Supplied.


Before reading up on fish oil supplements I always thought they were a product more suitable to school-aged children when in fact, this isn’t always the case. Fish oil supplements like Nature’s Way Kids Smart Drops DHA can be given to children as young as four weeks of age* and can assist parents (both breast feeding and bottle feeding) if required, to help fill any nutritional gaps in their child’s daily intake. The drops are easy to administer and contain no added colours, flavours, sugar or preservatives- just the good stuff.

The early years of development are so precious when it comes to healthy brain and vision development. Every day their minds are taking in new information, forming new pathways. Their vision also increases quickly with colours, shapes and patterns all helping to shape these new little minds.

Giving them a supplement to support this rapid brain growth and development can be beneficial so it’s great to know that there is a product available which is tailored for this age group.


Having a toddler is such a special time. No longer is your baby a baby but they are still so full of wonder and excitement about the world around them. Their young brains are still developing at great speeds and they are now starting to interact with the environment and other children in ways they never have before.


However it’s also a time when children can start to get fussy about what they will and won’t eat. Having been through the toddler tantrums three times now (and gearing up to do it all again) I know all too well the frustration that comes with an opinionated toddler.

If you’re thinking of adding a fish oil supplement to your toddler's diet, consider one which is easy to administer.

I have personally been giving my children the Nature’s Way Kids Smart Omega-3 High DHA capsules which give parents the option of how to administer the oil. They come in little fish shaped burstlets which can be used from six months of age.

For my youngest, I found that twisting off the end of the burstlet was the best method. I could then squirt the fish oil into her meal or a drink and she would happily take it.

Kids Smart
Kids Smart Omega-3 fish oil. Image: Mamamia.


Every parent will tell you that time flies when you have young children. Sure, some days feel like they just drag on and on, and that bedtime will never come, but one day you turn around and your baby is ready to start preschool.

There are so many new adventures to be had. Toilet training, a huge increase in independence and a whole new world of meeting friends and learning how to interact with others.

Fish oil is a great way to support your child’s healthy growth and development, and research has shown that it can greatly support their learning.

For my four-year-old son, it's all about the Kids Smart burstlets. They come in a range of flavours - strawberry or fruity (nothing like the fish oil I remember my mum chasing me around with on a teaspoon). There's also a trio pack with blackcurrant, strawberry and orange.


However, just like any other child his age, he has days where he just wants to argue with me. Some mornings he will happily chomp down a burstlet whole with no issues or fights. Other days, despite the fact that he actual likes taking them, he will just decide to be difficult. It’s these days where I don’t engage in the tension and simply twist off the tail and add the oil to his dinner. Mum -1 , kids 0 - (probably more than me but I’m claiming this as a win).

Jacqui kids
A little play, a little work: They're on the right track. Image: Supplied.

School-aged kids

My eldest child started school this year and I can already see so many changes in him. He is keen to learn and is making some great friends but the change from preschooler to school kid can be tricky.

All of a sudden, free play has its own designated time and the children are expected to sit still and apply themselves inside the classroom to the work being done. For me, it was important to find the right products for supporting his healthy behaviour, making sure he was getting the right nutritional support for the new changes in his life.

Each morning my six year old asks me for his supplements. I choose the Kids Smart Omega-3 DHA 300mg because it had a high concentration of DHA. It’s available in the same kind of burstlet that the younger ones have and he happily bites down on them.

If you're a parent of a young child I’d highly suggest starting your children on a fish oil supplement. It’s great knowing there are products available which are tailored to children of different ages and we can give ourselves a pat on the back (preferably over a nice glass of red) knowing we’ve done our best for a great start to their healthy development.

What do you do to keep your child healthy? Share with us below.

This content was created with thanks to our brand partner Pharmacare.

*Always read the label, use only as directed.
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