The good news is that this happens to every family. The bad news…it probably happens every night.
Get ready to read your night time routine.
1. Begin The Countdown to Bedtime warnings at 15 minute intervals at least 2 hours before you actually want them in bed.
2. Tell them 10x each to use the toilet, wash their hands and faces, brush teeth, get PJs on.
3. Threaten to cancel/throw away something – anything – fun if they don’t get in the bathroom RIGHT NOW to use the toilet, wash their hands and faces, brush teeth, get PJs on.
4. While they paint the bathroom in toothpaste and spit, search house for the cherished toys they MUST have in bed in order to sleep, for it is guaranteed each one has been removed from the sacred spots in their bedrooms and are in different corners of different floors of the house.
5. Herd kids to their bedrooms.
6. Watch kids jump on the beds, playing a risky game of Dangerously Uncoordinated at Nighttime Chase.
7. Tell them to JUST CALM DOWN FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS DECENT in the voice that makes the I’m Serious vein bulge in your neck.
8. Hustle the kids into Big Kid’s room.
9. Listen to Big Kid read a book while batting away Little Kid’s constant interruptions with a number of eyebrow-centric threatening looks of deflection.
10. When done, tuck him in and watch Little Kid tackle Big Kid to kiss him good night, despite his protests, riling him up until he accidentally knocks Little Kid off the bed, who starts crying due to minor head injury that is probably fake.