
WATCH: What do Australian kids know about refugees?

The question was about where refugees come from. The answers?

“Papua New Guinea?”

“The South Pole?”

“The eastern suburbs.”

Kids Talk refugees
Image: Screenshot via KidsTalkRefugees.

It turns out kids don’t know a huge amount about refugees. But what they do know is quite telling.

Three Sydney journalists spoke to 18 kids, aged six to 11, about asylum seekers — and caught it all on tape.

Think: Kids Say The Darnedest Things, but with a social conscience.

kids talk refugees
Image: Screenshot via KidsTalkRefugees.

Seven-year-old Liam explained that refugees are people who “don’t have a house so they have to go on a boat house.”

Six-year-old Karmel, a Syrian refugee himself, preferred they are people who “run away from evil.”

Pretty spot on, we think.

(Shout out to the seven-year-old girl who managed to mention the Rohingya people.)

The video, created by Amy McNeilage, Heidi Pett and Eryk Bagshaw, is an effort to expand the conversation about refugee policy to the wider community — and what better way to grab attention that with a bunch of cute kids?

Watch the full clip below:

Find out more about the kids and the project at

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