I sent my daughter off to Year 3 camp this morning. She’s 8. And this is a Big Deal. Preparations have been going on since the start of the school year when we first found out about the camp. But they’ve really ramped up in the past seven days.
Two new pairs of shoes were bought from Target (neoprene ones for ‘ponding’ and cheapie trainers to trash). Did a full week of sleeping bag training – both sleeping in it and learning how to roll it back up.
Had a practice sleep-over (in sleeping bag) at her best friend’s house.
Packed and re-packed. Talked about the importance of taking a sheet due to likelihood of bed bugs on festy cabin mattress. Calmed her down and quickly revised “bed bugs” to “dirt”.
Tied ribbons and bought tags for her bag to make it more easily identifiable. Agonized over the possibility of not being in a cabin with her friends. Tried to reframe it as an “exciting opportunity to make new friends!” in spirit of Mary Poppins.
Bought a new torch because the one we already have at home is too heavy. Apparently.