
'How I've finally got my daughter to take her medicine.'

Thanks to our brand partner, Dymadon®

Since having my little girl 19 months ago, I feel I should be awarded an honorary Bachelor of Sneaky Ninja Tactics specialising in getting her to L-O-V-E taking medicine when she is feeling absolutely rubbish.

Each winter, my little germ-finder always seem to find a way to get a cold that lasts forever. On top of that, my daughter just started day care, also known as Virus Hotel, so unless some kind of miracle happens, she’s about to get everything she can in the next few months. Immune building… argh.

On top of that, she is entering a teething round. Double argh.

Flu season is here. Image: iStock.

The worst part about all the above is that more than often there isn’t much I can do. Unfortunately, colds and teething are just those things that come with little humans. While all the love and cuddles can help them feel a little better, sometimes they need something extra to get over the worst of it, which is why I always make sure I have pain relief medicine on hand. I know it won’t cure anything, but at least it will take the pain away temporarily.

Getting that medicine down the hatch though... Thankfully, my Bachelor in Sneaky Ninja Tactics has given me some handy tricks and tips to use when it comes to giving my daughter medicine.

1. Make sure it’s nothing serious.

If your mummy instincts are worrying you, go to the doctor. There's nothing worse than worrying yourself sick, especially when they're sick and you can't diagnose what's wrong yourself. It may be just a cold, but at least I know what I'm dealing with.

Be sure to get a professional opinion. Image: iStock.

2. Get the right stuff.

Whether you have a baby, toddler, child or big kid, there are differences in the strength and dosages, so make sure to get your little one the pack that has their age on the front and use the dosing syringe that comes with it. While most packages have what dose to give for what age and weight, Dymadon has this brilliant online tool, Dymadon's® little helper, to help figure it out.

Although you should always check with your pharmacist or doctor before giving your little ones medicines, you should also make sure you know what you’re giving them. For example, Dymadon contains paracetamol, so you can’t use it in combination with other paracetamol based medicines. And just remember: always make sure to weigh your child as they grow so you know they’re getting the right dose.

3. Medicine can help.

Okay, it helps if you’ve given this message before they get sick, but it’s all about being positive about medicine. While it’s a bit hard for a toddler to understand that medicine may help, they do pick up on more than you think.


I basically become a cheerleader when I am getting my daughter's medicine out. It’s fun, and it’s tasty, and mum and dad clap when she has it. She either is happy to have it because my positivity has worked, or she’s just trying to shut me up.

This situation is avoidable! Image: iStock.

4. Strawberries and oranges.

Thank the holy medicine gods that medicine is not as disgusting as it was when I was a kid. My daughter is a lover of strawberries, so I opt for the strawberry flavour every time. So far, she thinks strawberries sometimes come on a plate, and sometimes in a liquid form in a syringe. Extra tip: Make sure a clean, dry syringe is used each time.

5. Hide it.

I haven’t had to go this far just yet, but I know many many mums who hide the medicine in drinks and food that their kids love. Smoothies, yoghurt, fruit juice. Just make sure that your kid finishes their special treat to ensure they get the entire dose.

Hide the medicine in smoothies! Image: iStock.

6. Icy poles.

Okay, I found this one on Google when my daughter had a raging temperature and all my trusty tricks failed me. Giving them a yummy icy pole before the medicine helps to numb the little taste buds on their tongue, which helps the medicine go down because they can’t taste it. And who’s going to be unhappy when they have an icy pole?

7. Distraction.

Whatever your kid LOVES. My daughter’s previous favourites have been The Little Mermaid, The Wiggles, our dogs, but the best distraction at the moment is giving her my phone. I know everyone says babies and iPhones shouldn’t mix, but desperate times call for desperate measures. As she is amazed that she FINALLY gets my phone, in the medicine goes.

Because puppies make everything better. Image: iStock.

8. Write it down.

Hopefully, your little one’s pain and fever will be over in a few days, but either way, you will most likely be exhausted from the crying, the cuddling, and them waking in the night when the meds wear off. Your brain will most likely not be functioning properly.

Write down the time when you give them a dose of meds and work out when you need to give the next dose. There is nothing like having a crying kid at 3am and trying to figure out whether they can have the next dose or not.

9. Look after yourself.

Normally it’s recommended to avoid anyone who is sick. Not possible as a mum. Between broken sleep, wiping up snot and having them sneeze directly into your mouth (true story), you are far more likely to get what they have. If you can, rest when they rest and make sure to look after yourself so you don’t go down too.

How do you keep your kids healthy during flu season?

This content was created with thanks to our brand partner Dymadon®

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