
Is it ever okay to ask your friends to pitch in for your child's school fees?

The traditional wedding practice of a gift registry has trickled down to the sticky mess that is a kids’ party.

Parents are now able to ask other parents to select gifts off a chosen list or contribute money towards something larger like a holiday, an X-Box or… their child’s education fund.

Gift registry apps like Purposit encourage parents to ask for money to be put towards experiences such as trips, experience and education rather than material items.

Listen to Holly and Andrew debate the politics of pre-picked presents below. Post continues after audio. 

Material items are still very much a part of the idea, it’s just that parents can now channel the money spent on their child more efficiently. The goal is to eliminate ‘unnecessary’ gifts.

The idea raises a few issues. On the one hand, it could offer financial relief to a family who was struggling to purchase their child’s ‘dream gift’.

On the other hand, it’s forcing other parents, who may also be struggling financially, to purchase items they simply can’t afford.

The idea of gift registries for children’s birthdays was brought up on our parenting podcast This Glorious Mess. 

Podcast hosts Holly Wainwright and Andrew Daddo discussed whether parents and children should be able to dictate birthday gifts.


"Jim, this better be the Ben 10 accessory pack, mountain edition or you'll be asked to leave." (Source: iStock.)

Holly said she believed the alternative purpose of using the app to raise money for a larger gift, such as a zoo membership, could be helpful for parents. But gifts such as the latest iPad erred on the side of distasteful.

"Can you imagine the conversation, 'I've set up a crowd-funding page. Anyone want to take the week June 19-23?'"

Andrew raised how the app could restrict parents from re-gifting duplicate items their children had been given in the past.

"I've got a cupboard full of stuff that we're going to re-gift. Does that deny my right of re-gifting?" He said.

The suggested gift list would also eliminate the surprise and suspense felt by both the child and the parent on the day.

Kids gift registries remain an idea largely seen on social media and not in practice. It will be interesting to see if the trend makes it to the mainstream.

Do you believe gift registries for children are a good idea? Share your thoughts in the comment section below.

Listen to the full episode of This Glorious Mess in the podcast link below. 

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