
Why kids need the ‘good fats’ too.

Thanks to our brand partner, Pharmacare

As someone who has worked in the health sector for over 10 years, I try to stay on top of the latest research into children’s health and wellbeing. When I became a mum, I became even more invested in optimising my kids’ health.

Choosing the right dietary supplement for your child can be difficult – there are so many options filling the chemist and supermarket shelves. A good place to start is to look at which nutrients are missing from your child’s diet. For example, are your kids eating at least two serves of fatty fish per week? Mine certainly aren’t.

We all know fish oil is good for us, but did you know that it’s critical for your child’s health, learning, behaviour and performance? More and more research has emerged about the benefits of omega-3 DHA for growing children. So, what is it? And why is it so important that your child is getting enough?

Omega-3s are essential fatty acids, “good fats” that are a vital part of every cell in the human body. The three types of omega-3 fatty acids are ALA, EPA and DHA. DHA is stored in significant quantities in our brains and retina and supports brain development, vision and healthy behaviour. While omega-3 DHA is a vital part of human physiology, our bodies don’t produce it, it can only be obtained through diet or supplements.

Omega-3 DHA is essential for growing kids. Image: Supplied.

Omega-3 DHA is found in fatty fish like salmon and tuna as well as shellfish. These aren’t foods that our kids eat very regularly (if ever), meaning that their diets are deficient in this essential nutrient.

That’s why a good omega-3 DHA supplement is so important. Kids Smart Omega-3 DHA 300mg by Nature’s Way helps to provide kids with a high dose of daily DHA in the form of a delicious orange-flavoured burstlet. These burstlets are Australian made to the highest quality and safety standards, which is good to know.

My boys are always full of energy. Image: Supplied.

So why should you give your kids a daily dose of Kids Smart DHA 300mg?

1. It feeds their brain.

Omega-3 DHA is one of the major building blocks of the brain, supporting healthy brain development and normal cognitive function. This is incredibly important for children during the early school years when they transition from having lots of free time to having to pay attention in class. It helps them concentrate and remember important information.

2. It’s great for their eyes.

Children continue to hone their vision skills throughout childhood as their eyes become stronger and work together more effectively. Omega-3 DHA has been shown to assist in developing and maintaining eye health and supporting vision.

3. It aids good behaviour.

Omega-3 DHA can assist in supporting healthy behaviour in school-aged children. There is a significant amount of research indicating that children with attention, mood and behaviour issues experience an improvement when they take omega-3 supplements.

Kids Smart Omega-3 DHA 300mg is something your kids will look forward to taking every day, mine consider it a treat as the capsules burst in their mouth releasing a delicious orange flavour. It’s recommended that children aged one to four chew one soft capsule per day while children aged five and over take two.

Nature’s Way is known for its exceptional quality health supplements .The new Kids Smart Omega-3 DHA 300mg will ensure your kids get a dose of essential fatty acids to support healthy brain function, learning, vision and behaviour.

What are your tips for keeping your child healthy? Tell us below.

This content was created with thanks to our brand partner Pharmacare

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