lady startup

The "incy" kids furniture we need in adult size, please.

When her son was two, Kristy Withers was ready to move him into a big boy bed.

She had an image in her mind of a dark brown iron bed frame but just couldn’t find one. She searched high and low for it. She tried to get one made, tried to buy old ones off eBay (but they had lead paint) and tried to get one imported.

So, Kristy decided to fix this problem herself.

Read her interview with Mamamia.

What is Incy Interiors?

Incy Interiors specialises in beautiful designer furniture for babies and children.

When I first began, I was working at eBay Australia managing their marketing team. I was travelling regularly to the USA and Europe and seeing all the amazing products available there.

I harped on and on at anyone who would listen about my quest for this perfect bed for my son. Finally, my husband told me to stop talking about it and just do it. That is how Incy Interiors was born.


Kristy Withers. Image: supplied.

Why do you think so many women are now starting their own businesses?

I love that so many women are starting their own business. I think women finally feel empowered enough to take control of their lives and create a lifestyle that works for them and their families.

What's the biggest mistake you've made in starting your business and the smartest thing you've done?

I spent the first two years feeling like a fraud. I had no idea what I was doing and I was totally winging it. I didn't reach out to other people in the industry to ask for their advice or assistance because I was scared they would expose my inadequacies. This was a huge mistake and I realised this after I started opening up to people and realised that everyone felt like I did.

The smartest thing I have done is hiring amazing people early on. Lots of people fall into the trap of feeling like they have to do everything themselves to save money. I took the opposite approach and hired people who would help me grow the company. This allowed me to focus on what I was good at.


Scroll through to see some of our favourite products that Kristy has designed. Images supplied. (Post continues after gallery.) 


What can you recommend to women who might want to get their own hustle going?

Decide if you want a hobby or a business.

If it's a hobby, that's completely fine and it gives you way more flexibility to play around.

If you are wanting a business, then you need to sit down and really go over the numbers and see if it is going to be viable. It is the least fun thing to do when starting a business, but it is the most important.

What's the biggest misconception you had about starting your business?

My father and my husband both have their own businesses so I have seen how hard they work, but I just didn't fully understand that it does consume you 24/7. Having your own business is not just a physical commitment, it's also a mental one.

What does your personal life look like?

I am a mum to two gorgeous children. Oscar, 9, and Polly, 6. I am also a wife to an equally gorgeous husband, Simon. We live on 100 acres just outside Orange, NSW.

Listen: Sunrise presenter Edwina Bartholomew on realising work was interfering with her love life. (Post continues after audio.)

How much sleep do you get every night?

I am such a nanna. I am in bed each night by 9:30pm. My husband is up at 5:30am banging around the house, so I usually get up at that time too. I would average about seven hours per night.


What are your non-negotiables?

I made a commitment at the beginning of last year that I would really focus on my family. I have been doing more reading, attending sports events and assemblies, making cheese hats, and you name it. I have loved it!

I have also started looking after myself by making time to exercise and see my friends. This makes me so much better at my job and I cannot believe it took me six years to figure it out!

What are the most useful apps on your phone?

St George Banking, Instagram, and Qantas.

Since we're in the #LadyStartUp spirit, which Lady Start Ups do you recommend? Who should we be looking out for?

I love how real Samantha Wills is. I am a huge fangirl and I love her accessories.

Check out Tutu Du Monde for divine tutus.

Kip & Co and Sack Me for amazing linen.

Hobbe for the best rockers in the business.

Finally, Langdon for swoon-worthy rugs.

You can see more from Incy Interiors at their Facebook or Instagram. If you have a #LadyStartUp or want to recommend one for us to cover, drop us an email:

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