Most kids fight. In the car. At the park. On the trampoline. And they fight over everything.
This is normal. (Yes, breathe. Your brawling kids are pretty normal).
But you know what isn’t normal? When fighting kids are thrown in a ring and their parents cheer them on.
Cage fighting for kids is the latest controversial sport playing out in America and it’s gathering momentum. Last night, Channel 7’s Sunday Night aired a story about junior mixed martial arts (MMA) events for kids as young as six. The ring is on a site in California that is situated on Indian reservation so it isn’t subject to Californian Law – under which, it would be completely illegal.
Like it is in most US states.
And in Australia.
For most, this little loophole is terrifying, unfair, brutal and sad. Some even argue that it’s simply child abuse.
But the most terrifying part is that there are parents who are up for it. Take a look.
Apparently, we should be comforted to know that there are rules and ‘boundaries’ like no kicking or punching above the collarbone and that opponents are determined by weight, not gender. (But strangling is allowed. Huh?).