
Your daily dose of cute: this kid's reaction pulls at your heart strings while making you giggle.

Watching this little boy’s emotional reaction to a soppy song will wring your heart.

One benefit of being a grown up is that we’ve had years of experience dealing with our feelings and emotions. We know certain activities, like watching a sad movie – or an RSPCA advertisement, if you’re anything like me – is going to tickle the tear ducts.

But your little one doesn’t have the benefit of that knowledge. The first time they’re moved to tears by something that isn’t hunger/a full nappy/baby business is likely to be pretty overwhelming. Just ask the emotional 4-year-old who’s doing the rounds on the internet right now.

Although he’s not quite old enough to know why it’s sad, little Jackson was so overcome when he heard Great Big World’s hit “Say Something”, the only thing he could do was weep. It seems Jackson’s also a glutton for punishment, as he insists he enjoys the song and rejects Dad’s offer to change it. In 20 years time, what are the chances he’ll be an earnest singer-songwriter composing ballads about lost love?

Watch this and tell us – what was the first thing your baby got emotional about?


 The BIG W Baby event is now on - online or in store. The biggest brands and the lowest prices you'll find on everything baby. Don't miss out! Ends 19th Feb.

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