
"I was kicked out of a wedding for being insecure about my weight."

Let’s face it: weddings are meant to be the “best day of your life“, but in reality, they’re a minefield of problems just waiting to happen. At best, they’re perfect, but at worst, they can tear you and your loved ones apart. 

At least, that’s what happened to “Rabbit Six” (we’re assuming this is her cover name), an author for site XOJane.

In a post titled “My Fear of Being the Fat Bridesmaid Got Me Kicked Out of a Friend’s Wedding“, Rabbit describes being invited to be the bridesmaid of a close friend (referred to as “K”).

Initially excited about the prospect, Rabbit’s hopes were dashed at the very first dress fitting, where it became clear that she was a very different body shape – and size – to her fellow bridesmaids.

Rabbit's fellow bridesmaids were all the same body shape. Image: iStock. 

None of the sizes of dresses in the store fit Rabbit, so she was forced to be measured for a custom-designed gown while her slimmer counterparts bought theirs off the rack. While none of the other bridesmaids commented, Rabbit was desperately embarrassed.


Then, when discussing whether K would invite Rabbit's sister to the wedding, K suggested Rabbit could bring her sister as a plus one.

"It never even occurred to K that I might want to bring a date," Rabbit wrote, "that I might be able to bribe some poor soul into accompanying me as the plus-one of the TOKEN FAT BRIDESMAID."

Her sister wasn't into the idea, given that she had been planning to take her own husband as a date, not - in Rabbit's own words - her "sad-sack FAT BRIDESMAID sister".

From there, tensions between K and Rabbit escalated. K wanted the bridal party to learn two elaborate dances, but Rabbit kept looking for excuses to skip the dance practice. Instead, she went on a crash diet, desperately counting calories as the big day approached.

Watch the Mamamia Team confess to their biggest wedding regrets.

Soon after, K kicked Rabbit out of the bridal party. The minister, who was good friends with Rabbit, dropped out of the ceremony. K blocked Rabbit, her sister and the minister on Facebook, refusing to hear her side of the story.

It was the end of their friendship.

Rabbit accepts that she did the wrong thing - that she let her own insecurities get in the way of her own friendship. But her experiences speak to a bigger problem within the wedding industry - the idea that it's the way things look in photographs, rather than being surrounded by the people you love, that's most important.

Do you think K did the right thing booting Rabbit from her bridesmaids?

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