
Khloe Kardashian wins Most Organised Pantry. We want it.

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Their apps were designed to give us a peek into their lives, but forget Kylie‘s ‘Glam Room’ – it’s Khloe Kardashian‘s pantry we can’t get enough of.

The 31 year old has given us a full tour of her kitchen cupboard in a new video and it doesn’t disappoint. A Type A’s dream, it’s perfectly arranged and stocked with everything your own pantry is crying out for, including jars upon jars of cookies and snacks and at least eight different varieties of cereal. Eight, people.

Describing the practise as ‘Khlo-C-D’, Khloe revealed the true extent of her love for organisation (this is pantry porn at its best.

“For me, a garage or a pantry, they make me horny,” she said. (Post continues after gallery of Khloe’s pantry goodness.)

Everything is neatly stored in jars, baskets and containers with clear labels indicating exactly what’s inside.

Despite each container retailing at around $20 a pop, Khloe says you don’t have to spend big to get organised.

“I find things at yard sales all the time, so you don’t need to spend a lot of money to organise. Yes, it’s an extra expense to buy containers or baskets, but it makes everything look so pretty and it’s a one time thing.”

Of course, everything has a proper home. The bottom shelves are grouped by the person the food is for, with named baskets packed full of frequent visitors’ favourite snacks, as well as an “overflowing” snack basket (for emergencies, obviously).

“I also like to organise by categories, so these are all my cookies and crackers on this side and the things that I think I would grab the fastest, which is the junk food and the caramels,” she says. A woman after our own hearts.

If that’s not enough to satisfy you, her tutorial on how to construct the perfect cookie jar certainly will.


While many people decorate their tables with flowers or photo frames, Khloe is all about the cookie jars, keeping at least three different kinds on display at once.

Perfection. Image via


"I do this once a month, because obviously things go bad, so every 30 days I just know on the first of the month - you pay your rent, you change over your cookie jar," she says.

But don't worry if you disturb that tesselated perfection; Khloe is insistent it makes her happy when the cookie jars go down because it means people are enjoying it. What a perfect hostess.


Would you try the cookie jars at home?

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