
Khloe Kardashian is eight months pregnant and she's being labelled 'irresponsible'. Again.

This is Khloe Kardashian, a 33-year-old female who is currently eight months pregnant with her first child.

She also happens to be a member of, arguably, the most famous reality TV family on the planet and boasts 73.2 million Instagram followers. No big deal.

With great love… ????

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Unlike some of her siblings (ahem, we’re looking at you, Kylie Jenner), since confirming she and boyfriend Tristan Thompson were expecting a child back in December, Khloe has been pretty open and honest about her pregnancy.

Nearly every photo she’s posted since her December 21 announcement has featured her growing bump, and she’s spoken publicly about her ideas for baby names, and even revealed some of her pregnancy complications on the family’s reality show, Keeping Up With The Kardashians.


LISTEN: Khloe Kardashian wants privacy while she is pregnant – is this something a reality TV family has a right to ask for? The Mamamia Out Loud team discuss. Post continues after audio.

But just like great power goes hand in hand with great responsibility, sharing often comes with shaming.

This week, Khloe travelled to Tokyo, Japan alongside sister Kim and brother-in-law Kanye. And fans seemed to take issue with her travelling so far (a flight from LA to Tokyo takes around 12 hours) while so far along in her pregnancy.



Other comments left on her Instagram include, “Is it safe to travel while that far long pregnant? I thought it was not recommended” and “Why would u travel to Tokyo pregnant”.

The thing is, we’re sure Khloe would have considered all of these things before she boarded the (most likely private) jet and travelled halfway across the world while 30 weeks pregnant.

The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstectricians and Gynaecologists recommends any pregnant woman seek advice from their doctor before travelling (… aka not social media followers).

While different airlines have differing policies on flying while pregnant, most domestic flights will not allow pregnant women to travel for more than four hours if they are more than 36 weeks pregnant. International travel is usually restricted from 32 weeks.


Some airlines, like Virgin Australia and Qantas, require passengers to carry a letter from a doctor or midwife outlining their fitness to fly if they are more than 28 weeks pregnant.

In the just over two months since the world has known about Khloe’s pregnancy, this isn’t the first time she’s been ‘mum shamed’: she’s been criticised for keeping up her gym routine throughout her pregnancy.

“For the ones who think they are physicians all of a sudden, my doctor and I communicate and my workouts are cleared and highly recommended,” she posted to Twitter in response to claims she was being ‘irresponsible’ by continuing to work out during her pregnancy.

“Thanks kiddos! Don’t make me stop sharing sh*t.”

Listen to the full episode of Mamamia Out Loud here:

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