
The concerning diet trick Kendall Jenner uses to prepare for runway shows.

Another day, another Kardashian-related headline; only this time, it’s not Kim’s ‘platinum blonde now back to black’ hair transformation that has us talking.

Kim’s younger sister Kendall Jenner (just ‘Kendall’, if you ask her) has steadily dominated high fashion catwalks around the world over the past 12 months, most recently starring in Fashion Week shows in Milan and Paris.

Like many models, the 19-year-old is particularly aware of her diet and fitness in the lead up to these events. She’s been running more often and eating healthy foods… but there’s one part of her runway regimen we’re not so on board with.

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Speaking with E! News, Kendall has revealed she guzzles detox tea to prepare her body. “I usually start my day off with a cup of detox tea. I have like 12 cups a day,” she says. Regardless of its “detox” status, that is a lot of tea to be throwing back.

However, Kendall’s not the only celebrity to enthuse about teatoxing; TV presenter Giuliana Rancic reportedly shed three kilograms before her wedding by following the Ultimate Tea Diet. (Post continues after gallery.)

There are a number of teatox programs floating around, all making various claims about the impact their specially formulated brews can have on health, including weight loss, reduced bloating and clearer skin. Some of these programs advocate adding detox teas to the diet for up to two weeks.

The idea of fixing all these ailments by drinking a lovely cup (or 12, if you’re Kendall) of tea is certainly appealing, but Accredited Practising Dietitian and Nutritionist Nicole Senior says it doesn’t hold any, ahem, water — especially when the approach mirrors Kendall Jenner’s.


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“I think [teatoxing] goes into the ‘extreme measures’ basket; it’s not recommended for any length of time,” Senior says.

Detox teas tend to be herbal blends, incorporating ingredients like lemongrass and ginger to provide various health properties — weight loss being perhaps the most appealing. Senior says that while these recipes are generally safe (depending, of course, on the ingredients used), there’s no evidence they can encourage body fat to simply drop off.

“There have been no studies to substantiate that any particular herbal tea has any benefits for weight loss over and above the fact you’re not eating as much,” she explains, adding that any medicinal claims made by these teas are also largely unsubstantiated.

Maybe stick to your regular cuppa.


One common but very unpleasant side-effect among people who drink 'colon cleansing' detox teas is... well, an increased need to hit the toilet. If you don't believe us, this writer's account of the ravaging effects a 14-day teatox had on her bowels will make you shudder. The laxative effect of certain detox teas is provoked by an ingredient called senna, which can also cause headaches, vomiting and dehydration.

In 2013, the Australian Medical Association issued a warning about the effects of using laxative products when they're not required, advising people to read the labels and seek advice from a nutrition expert before using a teatox program to control weight.

For some teatoxers, weight loss isn't the primary goal — as the name suggests, they might simply want to 'detox' their bodies after a period of unhealthy eating or a lack of exercise.

However, this isn't really necessary; your body is already perfectly adept at detoxing itself, and it can do this with or without your special tea. That's kind of, you know, the whole point of having a liver.


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"There's nothing in particular in a herbal tea that's going to miraculously undo any damage you've done by poor lifestyle. In terms of your liver, that's drinking too much alcohol and not eating enough nutritious core food," Senior explains.

"Eating badly and then going on a detox with lots of tea isn't going to undo the damage, and it's not really a sustainable approach."

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Although there's no need to forcibly detox your body, Senior says trying a short-term detox can spur some people into overhauling an unhealthy lifestyle. In this case, any benefit derived from a detox program is going to be largely psychological.

"Going on one of those detoxes is like saying, 'Okay, I've acknowledged I haven't been eating so well lately, and I want to draw a line under that and start afresh'. If it takes some tea to do that, then fine, but I wouldn't suggest doing it for very long," Senior says.

As for the claims about clearer skin and reduced bloating, these results likely come about from the fact that tea — or any liquid — has a rehydrating effect on the body.

"[Detox tea] is just another away of getting fluid and rehydration. But don't expect any miracles," Senior says. A cheaper alternative is... drinking water. Revolutionary stuff, right?

Have you ever tried a teatox? What was your experience of it?

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