
We can't decide if this photo of Kendall Jenner is photoshopped or a crazy optical illusion.

I would say on a scale of one to so-clear-it’s-bordering-on-transparent, my eyesight sits at about an eight or nine.

I have never had problems with it, never needed it tested, and always found glasses give me a headache rather than sharper vision.

And yet, with that in mind, Kendall Jenner has come along and made me insecure about my once brag-worthy eyesight faster than I had time to sort out why I was insecure in the first place.

It’s this. This photo. This knee, torso, body situation.


Am I being punked or played? Is it just me… or does it not look like her torso is disconnected from her bottom half? Where are her hips? Where did they go? Who stole them? Can someone give them back? My eyes hurt? That wasn’t meant to be a question? This is actually hurting them?

So I looked at it a bit longer. Ahhhhh! She’s just leaning back a little bit on the step. Surely that explains it? Maybe the angle is funny…

….but the torso.

I can’t.

My brain.

Not only am I spending too long staring at one image, I am spending too long looking at one image of a Kardashian while I am meant to be working.

When I asked my colleagues if this was yet another situation of ‘Photoshop gone wrong’, they looked at me in a befuddled ‘this is an entirely normal photograph’ way? A ‘maybe go get your eyes tested’ way.

If I need to go and get my eyes tested, the world no make sense anymore.

It may also mean I might need to try and get a life. But before I try to get one of those, tell me you see it. TELL ME.

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