
The Bachelor's Keira just slid into Jarrod's Instagram comments, and please let it be love.

Oh goodie.

It looks like we might have a new Bachelor franchise romance a-brewin’ and it’s… it’s perfect.

You see, on Thursday night runner-up Jarrod Woodgate had his heart smashed to smithereens by Sophie Monk. We then had to watch him walk along a beach ~ sobbing ~ for approximately 263 minutes.

It was during this time that Australia – as a nation – kind of regretted, erm, taking the p**s out of Jarrod and his pot plant for six weeks straight.

After the finale aired Woodgate posted on Instagram writing, “Falling in love is such an incredible experience & really is the best feeling in the world. My heart will heal & I wouldn’t change a single moment”.

And then something goddamn magical happened.

There be love a-brewin'. Image via Instagram.

Keira Maguire, AKA the villain from Richie Strahan's season, posted a single red love heart in the comments.

A single red love heart. If that's not the international sign for 'I kinda like ya but I'm playing it cool' I don't know what is.

And if you think about it - they're kind of a match made in reality TV heaven.

Keira wants a man who will worship her and Jarrod wants a woman he can worship.

We'd like to personally thank the reality TV Gods for sending us this little gem. Now, let's make this happen.

To read more from Keryn Donnelly, follow her on Facebook

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