My children don’t know me at all, and that’s fine.
It’s meant to be that way. I am their lord, master and servant. I feed them, clothe them, tell them what to do and buy them their first car. It’s the way it’s meant to be, after all.
But as my son gets older, he’s starting to pick up on a few of my personality traits, ones that aren’t attached to me as a mother or me as a wife.
I have mixed feelings about this.
Our children start off worshipping us – we can do no wrong. Then we get cranky with them, discipline them, refuse to buy them a particular gaming console and we become the enemy, until dinner time when their favourite chicken schnitzel meal snaps them out of their sulk.
If my kids knew me really well, they’d know a few things about me that I’m not ready for them to know. But I know it’s going to happen. Yes kids, mummy is more complex than you think.
Here are the secrets I keep from my kids. I’m now living on borrowed time:
1. I’m terrible at maths
I am really bad at maths. I have no concept of numbers. It borders on an allergy. I have physical symptoms. When someone asks me a maths question or starts doing sums out loud in front of me I feel sick, dizzy and have an incredible headache. My eyes start to search for the nearest exit. Then, their little eyes zoom in on me. Damn. “Mummy, can you help me learn my 7 Times Tables?”
So I sit down, pretending to be calm and we carefully work through it together. What they don’t see is me using my fingers under the table to try and figure it out. Yes, I still do this.