reality tv

A private jet and a new wine business: Inside MAFS Michael and KC's extravagant life together.


Hello, yes, Married at First Sight‘s Michael Goonan and KC Osbourne did get a private jet from Melbourne to Sydney despite social distancing and restrictions in place due to COVID-19.

Why let a global pandemic get in the way of your lavish lifestyle?

On Wednesday Michael, a 29-year-old company director, and his fellow MAFS star girlfriend KC (not to be confused with his fake ex-wife Stacey) flew from Essendon Airport in Victoria to Sydney for… business via a very fancy private plane.

The MAFS experts have a lot to answer for. Post continues below video.

Video via Mamamia

They hopped on a Cessna Citation Ultra jet, worth approximately $1,250,000. Michael doesn’t own the aircraft, but the Daily Mail reported he hired it for around $9,000.


The plane’s interior includes seven passenger seats, ‘ambient’ lighting, a flushing toilet and strategically-placed mirrors that make the space seem bigger. And the seats looked much comfier than the small, hard economy ones us plebs are used to.


And don’t you worry, there was plenty of room for Michael and KC’s Louis Vuitton luggage to be stowed away too.


Michael, who previously lived in Adelaide, is currently based in Melbourne while managing a branch of his family business, and has been self-isolating with KC.

He’s also just launched a new wine business, so the couple have been busy promoting that on Insta while enjoying a Shiraz for two.

It shouldn’t come as a surprise that Michael, who runs his family’s ice business, is into the finer things in life.

“I’d be lying if I didn’t say I have a taste for watches, nice cars and shiny toys,” he said, while flashing his gold Rolex watch on MAFS.

“I’ve worked hard my whole life and I pride myself on that. To be able to reap the rewards is fantastic. I’d rather cry in a Ferrari.”

Michael and KC confirmed their relationship after the final episode of MAFS aired earlier this month, and said they were self-isolating together.

In their first joint interview, the couple told New Idea they had been dating since early March, after weeks of “friendship”.

It then got serious… very quickly.

“It’s love. We have one hell of a journey ahead of us,” Michael explained. “Everything is on the table. We moved in together last week.”

He said he’d also introduced KC to his son Connor, from a previous relationship, and they’d talked about having their own kids in the future.

“I think KC would be the best mum. A little dancing pop star. We are excited to start the next chapter,” he said.

Feature image: Instagram.

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