
Why Kate Langbroek paid someone to smear blood all over her face.

Kate Langbroek has undergone a beauty treatment that has her co-host – and many listeners – horrified.

Not afraid to get a little messy in the name of beauty, the KIIS FM radio host underwent what is known as a vampire facial – and can we just say the results terrifying.

Langbroek told Hughesy & Kate listeners on Wednesday how she lay back while a substance made from her own blood (extracted earlier) was injected and smeared all over her face and neck.

Sharing a snap of her face mid-procedure on Instagram, the mum-of-four offered an appropriate (and completely redundant) warning.

A post shared by Kate Langbroek (@katelangbroek) on


“I imagine by the time you read this WARNING!!!! you will have seen this photo. So, very sorry. But amazing.”

On air, she explained that the procedure, known as a Platelet Rich Plasma facial, was “great” and not painful due to a numbing cream applied beforehand.

Her co-host Dave Hughes remained unconvinced. In fact, when he saw the photos he was downright gobsmacked.

“This looks like a horror movie… This looks like a crime scene,” he stammered.

When Hughes asked his co-host what the facial was actually supposed to achieve, Langbroek replied, “I don’t know… It’ll make me beautiful.”

Listen: But….WHY?

Thankfully the pair were still on the line to Langbroek’s treating physician Dr Mikhail from Regeneration Clinics in Melbourne, who was able to shed some light.

Dr Mickhail, who ironically sounds a lot like Dracula with his Russian accent, informed them the facial was designed to boost collagen production and the skin’s “regeneration process”.

Langbroek confirmed the procedure was the “maddest thing I’ve done”.

The procedure has other celebrity fans, first made popular in 2013 when Kim Kardashian shared photos of her bloodied face. But anyone curious, be warned, it doesn’t come cheap, with a full face treatment costing upwards of $700. There’s also as yet no scientific evidence that the procedure works, or is that effective.

Would you undergo a vampire facial?

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