
Kate and Will ban devices from their nursery.

Many parents can relate to the struggle to limit screen time in the form of electronic devices for their children – and it seems that royals Kate and William are no different.

A source has told US Weekly  that The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have in fact taken their approach to devices one step further, banning their royal offspring from using them at all.

“They’re very much seen as Mummy and Daddy’s toys, not for children,” the source says. “As two people who grew up without gadgets for entertainment, William and Kate are firm believers in toys, outdoor play and encouraging an active imagination.”

This could be seen last Christmas, when William delivered a hand-written note from George to Santa, asking for only one item – not an iphone, or a gaming console or something requiring anything but his own energy; a police car.

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Limiting screen-time is something most parents agree is necessary. Even the greatest tech moguls, Bill Gates and Steve Jobs, set strict boundaries around the devices they created.

The book Screen Schooled: Two Veteran Teachers Expose How Technology Overuse is Making Our Kids Dumber, points out that Gates’ and Jobs’ attitudes to parenting with technology should have been the writing on the wall for all of us as a warning about the dire effects of technological over-exposure on children.

Jobs told the New York Times in 2011 that he and his wife “limit how much technology our kids use at home,” which was why his own children didn’t use the first iPad when it was released.

Apparently, as early as 2007, Gates capped screen time when he noticed his daughter becoming attached to a video game. Gates was also strict in his approach to mobile phones, banning them until his kids were fourteen.

 So it seems that Kate and Wills are just a normal mum and dad navigating parenting in this technological age – like the rest of us.


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