
Kasey Chambers: "There’s no such thing as a ‘supermum’ and everyone is struggling."






Aside from being a multi-award winning songstress who remains close to her talented family, Kasey Chambers is also a single mother of three children and one of the hardest working women in the country.

You get the sense that if she were at your dinner party, she’d be the life of the party, laughing loudly and sharing funny stories.

But behind her sunny smile and amazing music is a woman who has overcome struggles to get where she is today.

This week I sat down with singer and songwriter, Kasey Chambers.

Jo: Your new album Bittersweet is your tenth studio album. How on earth do you get any song writing done with three kids running around (Talon, 12, Arlo, 7 and daughter Poet, 3)?

KC: Before kids I used to think I couldn’t write a song unless I was by myself and hanging out on my own. You don’t have that luxury when you have kids. It took me a while to get used to that.

I thought, Oh my God I’m never going to be able to write again. But then I started realising that when the creativity kind of comes on, you just have to roll with it. So I’m writing and I’m bathing kids and they’re running around and I just roll with it.

Just as an FYI, this post is sponsored by Warner Music. But all opinions and views expressed are 100% authentic and written in the authors own words. 

Jo: Being a mum can be tough, can’t it?


KC: Being a mum, it’s a lot of pressure. You go down, and you’re the late one picking up the kids, or the notes are late, or you are late paying for the excursion and you think everyone is more on top of it than you. There’s no such thing as a ‘supermum’ and everyone is struggling.

Jo: You have battled with an eating disorder, and had therapy to help you through that. Did song writing help when you were going through therapy?

“The kids hate me singing at home.”

KC: I went through a hard time when I was battling an eating disorder. I needed therapy for that, to come out of that. It sparked songs later. At the time I would not have gotten through without therapy. I just so badly wanted to be in control of everything. I had to be making sure everything was being kept up-to-date and kept on top of.

Jo: Are the kids’ big fans of your work?

KC: The kids hate me singing at home. I’ll pick up a guitar and start singing and my two-year-old will say, ‘No Mummy, stop singing.’ It brings me down to earth.

Jo: How do you get any work done if that’s how they react when you start singing?

KC: They know that when I go into writing mode. You know, when you’re with your kids they totally pick up on it if your attention is totally with them or a little bit with them, and they often want more attention because they know you’re not totally there.

They decide they want twenty meals a day instead of three. But that’s life. You’ve just gotta roll with it.


I just sort of taught myself, I guess, to not be so easily distracted from writing. Sometimes it means, okay, I start a song now and I may have to finish it tomorrow because you have a sick kid so you have to pick up where you left off.

Jo: Bittersweet is such a great album. Bernard Fanning’s on there, and all of the songs sound so unique and different. Is that because you’ve been working on it for four years?

KC: I’ve been doing a lot in that time, my marriage breakdown, and the birth of my first daughter. I’m like a normal woman who has a lot of different moods. It depends on what kind of day you get or what kind of mood you get in.

I guess like anyone you get these moments when you feel so strong and confident and you feel like you can take on the world and then the next day, everything is just falling apart and you’re just keeping your head above water. I have different parts that come out in different songs.

Jo: Do you have a favourite track on the album, or a favourite album?

KC: Albums are like kids so you don’t compare them, although I do have my favourite kids some days too. You just treat one album at a time.

Do you have a favourite Kasey Chambers song? 

Watch Kasey Chamber’s latest music video, Bittersweet, featuring Bernard Fanning. 


Singer, songwriter and storyteller Kasey Chambers released her 10th album in four years, Bittersweet. Produced by Nick Didia in Byron Bay, Bittersweet features the singles Wheelbarrow and Bittersweet, the heartbreaking ballad featuring Bernard Fanning.

Bittersweet is again testament to the songwriting talents of an artist who has won 10 APRA Awards, 10 ARIA Awards, 20 Golden Guitar Awards and nominations for 2 Americana Music Awards.

Kasey Chambers will be touring capital cities in November and December. Don’t miss out.

Bittersweet, in stores now.





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