
Karl Stefanovic has a passionate rant about kids' homework.

Karl Stefanovic doesn’t think kids should be given homework. Or, more acurately, he’s tired of having to do it for his children.

Karl Stefanovic, Today Show host, daredevil, feminist suit wearer and chili ice cream eater, launched into a passionate rant on air this morning… about homework, of all things.

In a segment titled ‘Back to School Blues’, Karl addressed a nation of mean-spirited primary school teachers who give their students homework and told them to stop. Because it’s that easy.

“As school goes back across Australia, I have something to say about homework,” he started.

“Firstly I don’t believe kids should be doing any homework in primary school. Load them up during school hours but let them be kids. Let them climb walls and sometimes fall off. Build paper planes and break the neighbours windows with half taped tennis balls.”

“More importantly stop sending kids home from school with homework they clearly can’t do.”


Karl, a father-of-three, seems pretty sick of being asked to do his kid’s school projects. And fair enough, we say. How many times did you come home as a child, tasked with constructing a bloody windmill for a Year Three science subject, only to bully your poor father into doing it.

Read more: “There’s a need for more protection”: Karl Stefanovic criticises The Voice Kids.


But Karl didn’t stop there. Demanding the camera be focused solely on him, his voice got louder and his words, more impassioned.

“More importantly stop sending kids home from school with homework they clearly can’t do. The sort of homework that involves constructing a suspension bridge. Using recycled toilet paper. I’m not an engineer and three ply is expensive. Besides I want to play FIFA 15 soccer with my boys and and teach my daughter the finer points of the high beam on the weekends”.

“Quality time. Also I don’t know how to create a computer program. That’s for apple or Google or whatever. And I don’t know how to write a four minute speech in Mandarin. Forget Ni hao, I don’t know how”.

Karl’s co-host’s supported his bizarre, angry rant.


“So as we start the year I’m reminded of that great pink Floyd song. ‘Hey teacher, leave us kids alone’. What I’m saying is, Hey teacher, leave us parents alone.”

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We don’t know how much we agree with him, but he could have a point. Teachers, stop giving Karl’s kids homework. He doesn’t know how to do it.

You can watch the whole, hilarious thing below.

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