
Kanye West just said some important, insightful things.

Kanye West has just used his face and his voice to make some important observations about the world we live in. WHAT IS EVEN HAPPENING?

Kanye West is eloquent?

In a truly shocking development, Kanye West has just said a series of sensible, insightful sentences in a row. Conventionally known as “a speech,” Kanye’s sentences came one after the other in a clear, logical order.

The 37-year-old rapper-producer just made a poignant speech, accepting the Visionary Award at this year’s BET Honours.

“Maybe for one of the first times in my life I understand how it is to feel humbled,” Kanye said before speaking for 9 full minutes. He spoke about visiting civil rights leader Minister Louis Farrakhan, where he discussed his relationship with “a woman not of colour” (his wife, Kim Kardashian West).

Congrats baby!!!! #VisionaryAward #BETHonors

A photo posted by Kim Kardashian West (@kimkardashian) on

  Kanye then shared a childhood story Kim told him about her father Robert Kardashian (who, if you play Kardashian trivia, you’ll know was on the defence team for O.J. Simpson during his 1994 murder trial). Here it is: 


“Her father… walked out and on the side of his Bentley they wrote ‘N***** Lover, because Robert Kardashian was the genius that put together the defense team that got O.J. off. She had never seen her father curse, get mad – he was the most laid-back human being – and he went so crazy and tried to chase the people down,” Kanye said. “And she stood there crying and said, ‘Dad, why are you going so crazy?’ and he said to her, ‘One day, you may have a black child. A beautiful, beautiful, beautiful black child. And it’s gonna be hard. You’re gonna see how hard it is.’”

  Or watch it in moving picture form:            As you’ll see, Kanye goes on to describe his experiences of being a black celebrity:

“At the barbershop and everything, I used to hear people always saying, you know, ‘When an entertainer go on, you know he’s going to go on and get a white girl’, and the white girl gonna go get a rich black dude’’. I want to say that my wife has dated broke black dudes, so it ain’t got nothing to do with the money.”



The rapper/clothing designer then went onto say that society needs to focus less on race and more on the human race.

“So, true enough, we deal with racism because there are different races, or the micro of it is that we focus on the different races, as opposed to the macro, which is the human race,” said West.

See? We told you. He can be insightful when he wants to be, that Kanye West.

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