
The Internet officially cannot cope with Justin Trudeau’s butt.

If you found yourself scraping the bottom of the barrel of the internet this morning, scouring the front and rear end, you’d also have found your cheeks swelling to rosy buns upon seeing photos of Justin Trudeau’s derriere on the front (and backside) of every Twitter account. Butt of course, the internet was always going to make an ass of itself the minute Trudeu’s posterior came into the foray. The internet is very good at that.

As a side note, if you ever begin to question your life’s purpose, sit down and write about a politician’s butt by fitting nine different references to an ass in the first two lines and you’ll quickly find your purpose.


The long and the short of it is this: Justin Trudeau has a butt, like many others before him, around him, and I assume (am I being over confident?) will continue to have after him.

But in my extensive research (which can also be translated to the odd, accidental and objective glance at the backsides I pass in my day-to-day activities) Justin Trudeau’s butt isn’t like everyone else’s.

Just ask Twitter. Twitter has lost its proverbial sh*t.

The origin of the photo is unclear, as is when it was taken, but all signs point towards it being snapped earlier this month when 45-year-old Trudeau was addressing an audience at a speaking engagement.

So, you know, there’s that. Trudeau also does some like semi-good work in politics etc, but right now Twitter seems more interested in a boost of morale. (Here’s looking at you Trump. Hi!)

We can talk about his other talents (read: policies) tomorrow.

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