
Saturday's news in under 5 minutes.

We’ve got all your top stories this Saturday, neatly packaged into a five minute read.

1. Julie Bishop encourages Australians to be vigilant in wake of violent attacks across the world.

Foreign Minister Julie Bishop has warned the Australian public to remain calm but aware, after the recent spate of violent attacks in Kuwait, France, and most recently, Tunisia. In combination, the attacks have killed over 50 people.

Foreign Minister Julie Bishop.

As Daily Mail reports, Bishop spoke at the Federal Liberal Council meeting this week where she stated, “This is another horrific reminder of the brutality of these terrorist organisations that are attacking civilians in the most violent and barbaric way.”

Bishop also stated, the Australian public must remain “vigilant,” as the possibility of a similar attack on Australian soil increases. She also reassured Australian’s that the government is working hard to ensure that doesn’t happen. “The Australian Government is expanding our security, law enforcement intelligence agencies’ capacities to deal with these risks,” she said.

2. At least 37 dead as gunman opens fire on beach-goers in Tunisia.

ABC reports, at least 37 people have been killed and 36 other wounded after at least one gunman opened fire on the beach at the Imperial Marhaba hotel in the Port El Kantaoui district of Tunisia.


Tunisian Secretary of State, Rafik Chelly told a local radio station, “This person was not known [to us]. He entered by the beach, dressed like someone who was going to swim, and he had a beach umbrella with his gun in it. Then when he came to the beach he used his weapon.”

According to the ABC, among the dead are German, Belgian and British tourists. Foreign Minster Julie Bishop has confirmed, no Australians were killed in the attack.

As The Guardian reports, the attack in Tunisia follows a terrorist attack in Kuwait, where 27 people were killed and 227 injured by a bomb explosion at a Shia mosque.

Four people, included lead suspect Yassin Salhi have been arrested in France, after the body of a decapitated man was found on the grounds of a US owned gas company south of Lyon.


3. The United States Supreme Court has legalised same-sex marriage.

With a vote of 5-4, the US Supreme Court has made same-sex marriage legal across the country. The court ruled the US Constitution guarantees the right to same-sex marriage.

Justice Anthony Kennedy wrote for the majority, “No longer may this liberty be denied. No union is more profound than marriage, for it embodies the highest ideals of love, fidelity, devotion, sacrifice and family. In forming a marital union, two people become something greater than once they were.”

President Barack Obama welcomed the decision, saying in a statement, the decision “affirms what millions of Americans already believe in their hearts.”

4. Belle Gibson to face possible jail time.

‘Wellness blogger’ Belle Gibson is being investigated by Consumer Affairs Victoria.

The Daily Telegraph reports she is being pursued in relation to possible breaches of Victoria’s Consumer Law and Fundraising Act, which make it illegal to be “misleading or deceptive” in order to garner funds.

In a statement made to News Corp, Consumer Affairs Victoria said they were “currently making inquiries with Belle Gibson and associated companies, as to the nature of any fundraising appeals that may have occurred, including details of beneficiaries and net proceeds given” as well as investigating “whether, in trade or commerce, there was conduct that was misleading or deceptive or likely to mislead or deceive.”

Belle Gibson.

Gibson’s followers were led to believe she suffered brain cancer, which she had treated with diet. She promised over $300,000 to various charities, who maintain they never received a cent.


The Fundraising Act indicates the punishment for such deception may include financial reparations of up to $28,000 and even jail time.

Victorian Police have said consistently that they would not be investigating Ms Gibson’s actions. “This matter is being looked at by Consumer Affairs Victoria, not Victoria Police,” a spokeswoman said.

5. A young Frozen fan’s dream comes true.

A 3-year-old Aboriginal girl from Ballarat in Victoria, was verbally abused and taunted by a woman and her young children at a local shopping centre this week – but she now has received a special message from her idol.

Young Samara, was dressed as Queen Elsa from Disney’s smash-hit Frozen, and was told not to dress as the character because of the colour of her skin.

Ballarat local, 2o-year-old Meghan Hope was working at Disney World in Orlando, Florida, heard about the incident, and arranged for Samara to receive a message from her favourite Disney character:

‘Hello Samara, it’s Elsa, queen of Arandelle. I’ve heard a little bit about you so I just want to say hi. I just want to remind you to always be yourself and let it go.’

Samara’s mother Rachel Muir told The Courier, “Her mouth just dropped to the ground. She kept saying over and over ‘She’s talking to me.’ We were in tears. It was so overwhelming.”

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