
Julie Bishop supported same-sex marriage on The Project tonight.

“I have absolutely no concerns.”

Australia’s foreign minister and highest ranking female politician Julie Bishop tonight endorsed Australian’s having a say on marriage equality on The Project.

In her strongest comments publicly on the issue, Ms Bishop told The Project she thinks the Australian people should have their say.

“I have absolutely no concerns about it myself, but I know there a lot of people who are deeply concerned about the issue.”

“That’s why I think a plebiscite, where the Australian people get to have a vote on it, on an issue as fundamental as this, that goes to the very composition of our community, the way we feel about each other, how we treat each other, that’s the core of a plebiscite.”

You can watch clip here (post continues after video):

Video via Channel 10

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has pledged to hold a plebiscite on marriage equality after the next federal election, whereby the Government could enact the reform following the result.

Tonight’s comments by Ms Bishop are another strong sign the senior leadership of the Government are supportive of a change to the marriage act.

In an entertaining interview tonight, Ms Bishop answered questions ranging from her spectacular emoji use, to working with the new Prime Minister and her deep concerns about the Middle East. She even gave her view on whether your should carry your heels home from the Melbourne Cup.

Her answer was no, in case you were wondering. “Never take off your shoes.”

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