Craig Thomson’s quit the ALP, and as this Joker flutters to the floor, it’s any wonder Julia’s House of Cards is still standing.
For months, Julia Gillard has been telling us: “I have complete confidence in the Member for Dobell. I look forward to him continuing to do that job for a very long, long time to come,” … very carefully placing her cards, holding her breath, trying not to slip.
She’s slipped. Slipper-ed even. (I promise no more puns).
Slipper, with his Cabcharge fraud allegations and sexual harassment case, was a headache the Prime Minister didn’t need. She even admitted, last week, that she “didn’t really know” Mr Slipper personally (sub-text: but he saved us a vote. I would’ve installed Beelzebub himself if I had to). She was desperate and he was dodgy. Recipe for disaster.
As that card tumbled, the PM had to concede her foundation was perilous. So she’s finally folded and admitted that Craig Thomson and his prostitute-hiring credit card brings an air of odium to the Labor Party.
Thomson’s been told to skedaddle and to give the PM some breathing space. He’s quit the ALP to become an independent MP, but he’ll still vote with the Government.
“I do believe a line has been crossed here and because a line has been crossed, I have acted,” Julia Gillard said in a press conference today.