
Guy Sebastian just spilled about his sex life. And Jules is fuming.

Guy Sebastian is officially in the dog house.

Guy Sebastian dished on his sex life to a radio station and his wife, Jules, says she is mortified.

Guy spoke to Sydney’s 2DAYFM and Melbourne’s FOXFM back in August about his relationship, and Jules is less than pleased.

At the time, the singer told the radio hosts he and his wife have sex twice a week and their love life “comes in spurts”.

Jules was asked about the incident recently as she was promoting an event in Sydney. And it’s safe to say she wasn’t happy about having their intimate details shouted out to Australia.

“Oh my god, I was mortified! I was like, ‘What are you saying?’.”

“I was like, ‘Stop talking now! Just talk about your album and music’. I couldn’t listen to the things he was saying!”

The mother-of-two said she wishes he exaggerated the situation.

“He could’ve ramped it up a bit,” she said.

“Like say five times a week, come on! Make me look good, at least make me look good.”

He’s since been forgiven for his slip, according to Jules.

“Guy’s a very intelligent person and I knew he wasn’t going to say anything that would ruin our names,” she said. 

“He’s always been out there and very honest and real. He just says it as it is but I knew he wouldn’t take it too far and we don’t have any secrets so it’s all good.”

Click through our gallery below for pics of Jules and the Sebastian family. 

Has your partner ever spoken openly about your sex life? How would you react? 

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