
Jules Sebastian's best fashion hack came from her husband, Guy Sebastian.

As a celebrity stylist, makeup artist and just generally stylish human being, Jules Sebastian knows fashion.

But her best fashion hack – the one rule she swears by when it comes to her wardrobe – actually isn’t hers.

It came from husband (and singer) Guy Sebastian.

“Just don’t have crap in your wardrobe. If you don’t have the bohemian maxi skirt that you loved when you where 17 years old but would never wear now, you won’t wear it,” she told Mamamia, ahead of her upcoming styling workshop at Westfield Penrith for Westfield Fashion Weekend.


“I’m constantly clearing out my wardrobe and I’m pretty brutal. I just think ‘I haven’t worn this in ages’ or ‘I don’t know what I was thinking’ and get rid of it. Keep only the things you’ll actually wear, it makes it so much easier.”

Simple yet effective – and it’s all thanks to Guy Sebastian.

“You know where I learnt that? From my husband. He was just like ‘Then don’t have it’,” she says.

“How many times do you keep something forever even if you never intend of wearing it or telling yourself ‘Maybe, maybe one day’. Just don’t.”

Listen: Guy Sebastian talks about his relationship with wife Jules. Post continues after audio.

The stylist’s prediction for the top Autumn/Winter trends hitting stores are florals, frills and lace.

“I think the colour is key to give these typically spring trends a winter feel. Go for tones like burgundy, olive green, brown or natural earth tones and pair with leather in the form of pants, skirt, jacket or boots,” she says.

Sebastian has been with husband Guy for 17 years and it’s not just excellent fashion advice that has made their relationship a successful one.


Sebastian believes that a major part of this is the fact that the pair were friends first.

“We were friends for ages before we got involved romantically and we have a lot of history. It’s very important as a relationship goes on to remain friends, to have fun – life doesn’t have to be so serious all the time,” she says.

While it can be hard to find time to have fun when you’re juggling kids and adult responsibilities, Sebastian says the couple find alternative ways to have fun, including making Guy watch Married At First Sight with her and then commentate the whole thing.

Understanding each other is also the secret to a successful relationship.

Love my crew.

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“With Guy’s career and life, he travels a lot, he’s very busy and successful and driven and works really hard, I understand that and I’m not one of those girls ‘I haven’t seen you in a month, you haven’t spent time with me’,” Sebastian says.

“I understand it’s his life and it needs to be done and it all comes back around. He’s not going away to work to get away from us, he is working and I am not offended by that.

“He’ll come back and we’ll get quality time whether it’s taking Hudson (the couple’s oldest son, five) fishing or we’ll go away for the weekend.”

Ultimately Sebastian says it’s about having a good understanding of the other person, their personality and how they do life.

“It’s being ok, not whinging or complaining – although sometimes you can, I certainly do – I see the greater picture and I know the heart is in the right place. You just have to chill out.”

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