real life

Apparently, your clothes are talking about you behind your back.

And you might not like what they’re supposed to be saying.

You might have seen these images before.  You might think the message is outdated.

You might think we’d reached a point where a woman’s worth was no longer measured by the length of her skirt or the depth of her neckline.

Related: Judge: “Rape conviction statistics will not improve until women stop getting so drunk.”

But apparently not, because these pictures, by Swiss human rights organisation Terre Des Femmes, have gone around the world and have been shared by countless women who still feel this is their reality.

We wish the world didn’t need to be reminded.


And judging by some of the comments on Huff Post Women’s article about the campaign, which has already attracted thousands of likes and shares on Facebook, the series stirred up some debate.

Commenter Jimmy Childs posted: “We live in a superficial world where beauty attracts the shallow and the vicious. Women have behavior models that are destructive. Men do as well” while fellow reader Jill D’Aubery wrote: “Wow! According to this, she can’t win no matter how she wears her clothes! She is either a whore or a prude and everything in between is also derogatory.”


The posters were designed by student Theresa Wlokka and others at the Miami Ad School in Hamburg, Germany and clearly show the way women are still judged by their clothing.

Related: Women – we need to stop judging each other. 

Unfortunately, the idea behind the campaign is not new – they are very similar to another campaign produced by college student Rosea Lake in 2013, called “Judgements”. 

(left) Pomona Lake’s 2013 campaign, and (right) Theresa Wlokka’s current campaign.

But still, it’s an important message, and one the world still needs to hear.

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