Eight times I was judged last weekend – and look who it was by.
I know this mother who really messed up last weekend. Total parenting fail.
You should have seen the way she let her kids carry on!
You’d never do it yourself.
Except the thing is – it WAS yourself.
We all hear about how judgmental mothers are these days – with social media and Facebook fuelling the Mummy Wars but what I have come to realise is that the worst culprit is our very own self critic.
Last weekend Judgey McJugey came right out and sat squarely along side me pointing out each and every little thing I did wrong.
You shouldn’t have given them that, you shouldn’t have spoken that way. Is that good enough?
Over and over I questioned my parenting.
Looking back, half the fails I focused upon probably weren’t even noticed by those around me.
Is it possible that the biggest judgers of mums are actually just ourselves?
1. The knicker-less three-year-old.
Yes, I probably should carry a spare pair of undies for my daughter but life’s busy, and she’s kid number three. It was hard enough to remember cricket bats and water bottles for my two boys on Saturday morning.
I was desperately trying to watch my seven-year-old bat while my little girl played in the playground nearby.
She was having too much fun, I was turned the other way, and the leg jiggling wasn’t noticed.
I’m sorry to confess she had to run knickerless for an hour or so after her accident. I know it was bad parenting, but the looks I was giving myself were far worse than the looks those power walking bum-bag wearing sixty-year-old women gave me.