
Horrifying details of Australian father who performed oral sex on a 13-year-old boy have emerged.

An Australian father of three has received a 20 month jail sentence for performing oral sex on a 13-year-old boy.

Joseph Wakim, 53, pleaded guilty to the rape of the boy at his home on Christmas Day 2015.

Wakim was said to have “showered” the victim in gifts, ice-cream, pancakes and attention.

The Age reported the heartbreaking words the young boy submitted to the court in a victim impact statement.

“Why did you do it? Why, why why?” he asked.

The act occurred on Christmas night when Wakim escorted the boy upstairs under the guise of giving him a massage.

The mother of the boy had fallen asleep downstairs but woke up as Wakim was leaving.

The victim immediately told his mother what had occurred.

The court heard Wakim sent an email to the young victim in the days after the offending occurred.

“You are the beloved son of three fathers. Your iPad is your hotline to me. Your rosary is your hotline to God. There is so much I would like to share with you,” the email said.

“I will arrange a sleepover and hopefully take you to the waves soon. Your name on my phone always brings a smile.”


The young daughters of Wakim were said to have attended the trial in order to support their father.

It was reported Wakim became involved with the victim’s family after they met at a church event.

Source: Facebook.

The two families became so close that Wakim began flying down to visit and babysit their young children.

County Court judge Amanda Chambers emphasised the level of trust Wakim betrayed during sentencing.

"He came to view you as a father figure, someone who cared for him and gave him valued advice," Judge Chambers said.

"You showered him with attention, presents, pancakes and ice-cream."

"Driving in the car, you took the victim's hand and repeatedly kissed it, saying words to the effect 'you know how much I love you'."

Wakim told the court he was "baffled" about why he committed the offence but linked it to his own abuse at age 13.

Wakim received an Order of Australia and was also the founder of the Australian Arabic Council.

Wakim has since been stripped of his Order and will be on the sex offenders registry for 15 years.

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