
"Is that live?" The face no one expected to see on Q&A last night.

There was a lot of discussion about the appearance of controversial psychologist Jordan Peterson on Q&A this week.

The cultural critic and author is perhaps one of the most divisive public intellectuals on the planet – with his second book, 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos selling over three million copies.

While many believed he shouldn’t have been offered the platform to appear on the show, others welcomed the opportunity to see his views interrogated by a panel of other voices.

In the lead up to Monday night, Peterson said he felt “set up” by the ABC for putting him on a panel with transgender woman Cate McGregor.

“It’s so predictable,” Peterson told The Australian. “It was a set-up, an attempted set-up. It’s another reason why mainstream media is failing, and why people are turning to YouTube and other channels.”

But the biggest shock of the night came about 10 minutes into the show, when a video message popped up from Milo Yiannopolous, the poster boy for the far right.


His question was as follows;

"You talk a good game about standing up for men and for boys and you've certainly amassed a big army of them, but a few of us have been wondering with your silence on [Brett] Kavanaugh and the innocent Covington boys.

"When you've told the New York Times that you thought I might be racist when you know I'm not, that perhaps your actions aren't matching your words.

"Can you explain why, although you talk a good game about standing up against social justice warriors and the chaotic feminine, when it comes down to it you always seem to either fold, stay silent or betray your allies," asked Yiannopolous.

Safe to say, no one was expecting to see this guy...

"Is that live?" he asked before pushing back in his chair and continuing; "I haven't seen Milo for a long time."

"I don't think I am obliged to comment on everything that happens in the world and I don't think I am betraying my fundamental base," Peterson said.

"With regards to what happened with Bari (Weiss, of the New York Times) and Milo, I'd probably just apologise to you, for that I don't think I did defend you well.

"I don't believe you are a racist, it was a question that caught me off guard in an audience that was exceptionally hostile.

"I don't think the rest of your accusations are warranted however, so that's what I would like to say," he said.

"I did also Milo, by the way, invite you to talk about a year and a half ago, when things first started to collapse around you, we never did get around to that. I don't think that was entirely my fault," he finished.


The exchange left many viewers fuming.

In 2017, Yiannopolous visited Australia in an effort to "save glorious Australians from bonkers feminists," and gave a number of controversial interviews.




It's definitely an episode of the panel show that got Australia talking.


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