
"I would not want my wife to undergo this": creator of the vaginal mesh implant.

The creator of Johnson & Johnson’s pelvic mesh devices said to another doctor: “I would not want my wife to undergo this procedure”, the Federal Court heard today.

The Courier Mail reported Dr Bernard Jacquetin made the comment in an email in 2005, the year the device – which is used to treat prolapse after childbirth – was also made legal in Australia.

The Sydney Morning Herald reported that gasps could be heard from the public gallery when the email from the French doctor was read out in the Sydney court.

More than 700 Australian women are involved in a landmark class action against pharmaceutical giant Johnson & Johnson over their vaginal mesh implants used to treat pelvic floor problems. The women involved in the action claim the implants have caused severe pain, trauma, complications and the inability to have intercourse. The case is being followed internationally.

According to The Sydney Morning Herald Tony Bannon SC acting for the women told the court, “Once one understands what is really involved with this you wouldn’t want your wife, your sister, your mother to undergo this, except in extreme circumstances.”

Up to 100,000 of these devices have been implanted in Australian women.


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