
News in 5: Teen jogger arrested; Johnathan Thurston critical; Saudi women finally driving.

With AAP.

1. Teenage jogger detained for two weeks after accidentally crossing the US border.

A French woman was detained by US immigration for more than two weeks after inadvertently jogging across the border from Canada.

Cedella Romann, 19, who was visiting her mother in British Columbia, told the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation that she accidentally crossed into Blaine, Washington, while out on a run on May 21.

Roman said she was unaware of her mistake until she was approached by two American Customs and Border Protection officers.

“An officer stopped me and started telling me I had crossed the border illegally,” Roman told CBC. “I told him I had not done it on purpose, and that I didn’t understand what was happening.”

British Columbian runner detained
Cedella Roman was mid-run when she was stopped by two Customs and Border Protection officers. Image: Facebook.

Roman was arrested by Border Patrol, which "processed her as an expedited removal" and transferred her to the custody of Immigration and Customs Enforcement, according to The Washington Post. The following day, she was taken to ICE's Northwest Detention Center in Tacoma, Washington.

She was released on June 5, more than a week after her mother, Christiane Ferne, provided her daughter's travel documents to authorities.

Ferne described the area as a "trap".

"It was just unfair that there was nothing, no sign at the border," she told CBC. "Anybody can be caught at the border like this."

2. Former Maroon slams Queensland for playing "dumb footy" in Origin game.

Retired Maroons player Johnathan Thurston has criticised his former team for playing "dumb footy" during their loss to NSW in Sunday night's State of Origin clash.

The North Queensland Cowboys legend told Channel 9 he was "dumbfounded" by Queensland's play and that the final 10 minutes of the match would serve as a key lesson for the players, including Melbourne Storm's Will Chambers, who gave away a penalty in the dying minutes.


“It’s a massive learning curve for the halves and the hooker,” Thurston said.

“I don’t think that we targeted that edge enough tonight. Like I said, it’s a massive learning curve for the boys.”

NRL player, Jonathan Thurston had some words on how the Maroons played. Image: Getty.

Following on from their 22-12 game one win, the Blues triumphed 18-14 at a sold-out ANZ Stadium in Sydney, claiming only their second State of Origin series victory in 13 years.


Four long years after the Blues sealed their last series win, NSW overcame the second half sin-binning of centre James Roberts to toast success again in front of 82,223 fans on Sunday night.

It was a nightmare start for life without the Maroons' Big Three - retired greats Cameron Smith, Cooper Cronk and Johnathan Thurston. Yet only something extraordinary it seemed would break the Maroons' Origin hold after claiming the series a staggering 11 times in the past 12 years.

And the Blues inadvertently provided it with a rare penalty try to skipper Boyd Cordner in the 31st minute.

NSW were gifted four points when halfback Ben Hunt took out Cordner as the try-bound back-rower chased a James Maloney grubber. Remarkably, it marked the first Origin penalty try in 37 years.

"It was a brave call but he was going to score," said NSW coach Brad Fittler, who arrived at the press conference sipping a well earned beer.

Queensland coach Kevin Walters bit his tongue.

"I don't want that to be what this is about. We didn't get it right when it mattered most - it was not about a refereeing decision," he said.

NSW still did it the hard way, overcoming Roberts' 69th minute binning for obstructing Gavin Cooper as he tried to reel in a Ben Hunt kick to score.

Game 3 is in Brisbane on July 11.

3. Malcolm Turnbull is still the preferred prime minister, but polls indicate he has a bigger problem.

Fairfax polls indicate Malcomm Turnbull still preferred primeminister
Image: Getty.

Malcolm Turnbull popularity seems assured with most Australian voters still preferring him to Bill Shorten as prime minister, but the same can't be said for the Coalition.

A Fairfax/Ipsos poll published on Monday shows Mr Turnbull is more highly rated that the opposition leader. However, the Coalition continues to lag behind Labor on a two-party preferred basis, 47 per cent to 53.


Mr Turnbull outscored Mr Shorten on nine categories, including economic management, vision, strength as a leader and foreign policy. But Mr Shorten outdid him on social policy and the confidence of his party, and his ratings were generally up across the board.

4. Saudi women finally allowed behind the wheel after decades of repression.

After Fawzia al-Bakr drove through the streets of Riyadh in 1990 to challenge a ban on women driving in the conservative kingdom, she lost her job, received death threats and had to move house.


Twenty-eight years later, at the stroke of midnight on Sunday, her niece stepped into a black Lexus, rolled down the windows and smiled at the feel of the warm breeze as she drove legally for the first time in Saudi Arabia.

"It looks way different from the backseat. I'm just so happy, my eyes are just like everywhere. I'm not used to this," said Majdooleen al-Ateeq, 23.

The recent US college graduate was on her way to class last September when she learned that King Salman had ordered an end to the ban, which has long been seen as an emblem of women's repression.

"I had to call my family in Riyadh to ask them if this was true," she said. "All I could think about is: I can do my own stuff, I don't have to ask for anyone to take me around."

The ban, once justified on a variety of religious and cultural pretexts, forced women to rely on male relatives for transportation or spend large sums on chauffeurs.

It became a prime target of activists seeking to end discriminatory practices which curtail women's role in public life and makes them the legal wards of male "guardians".

The first public demonstration came on November 6, 1990, when 47 women drove around central Riyadh for nearly an hour until they were detained by the religious police. Among them were Ateeq's aunt, Bakr, and her mother.


Bakr plans to start driving on November 6 to commemorate her historic stand.

Not all her fellow activists may have that option. The authorities arrested more than a dozen of them over the past month on charges of suspicious contact with foreign enemies, and state-backed media branded them traitors.

Among the detainees were three women who participated in the 1990 protest. They have since been released, but other prominent rights campaigners like Eman al-Nafjan, Loujain al-Hathloul, and Aziza al-Yousef remain in prison.

5. More than 500 immigrant children reunited with their families after President Trump's zero tolerance initiative sparked global outrage.


The US Homeland Security Department said late Saturday the government has reunited 522 children separated from adults as part of a "Zero Tolerance" initiative and plans to reunite another 16 children over the next 24 hours.

The department said in a statement US Customs and Border Protection expects a small number of children separated for reasons other than zero tolerance would remain separated, including if the familial relationship cannot be confirmed.

President Donald Trump on Wednesday signed an executive order to end his policy of separating immigrant children from their families on the US-Mexico border, after images of youngsters in cages sparked outrage at home and abroad.

As of June 20, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) had 2,053 separated minors being cared for in HHS-funded facilities, and it was "working with relevant agency partners to foster communications and work towards reuniting every minor and every parent or guardian via well-established reunification processes."

HHS also said in a release that it has a process to "ensure that family members know the location of their children and have regular communication after separation."

A complaint reported by the national news media is that some parents did not know where their children were and had little or no communication with them.


"Zero Tolerance" is a policy US Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced in April, declaring that all immigrants apprehended while crossing the US-Mexico border illegally should be criminally prosecuted.

The policy has led to family separations because when border agents refer apprehended migrants to court for prosecution, parents are held in federal jails to await trial by a judge while the children remain in either border control custody or are moved to other facilities.

Most of the children are from Central America, especially Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador.

6. Aussie airlines petitioned to refuse flying family to Sri Lanka after Federal Government ordered deportation.


Australian airline Qantas and 11 other carriers are being petitioned to refuse to take two Tamils and their Australian-born children to their homeland in Sri Lanka.

Biloela resident and family friend Angela Fredricks has created an online petition for the flying kangaroo to refuse to take baby Tharunicaa, toddler Kopika and their Tamil parents Priya and Nadesalingam to Sri Lanka.

It comes as the federal government has ordered the family be deported.

"This week, the world was shocked by stories of children taken from their parents and flown far away. But President Trump backed down after major US airlines refused to participate in this terrible cruelty," Ms Fredricks says in the petition created on Sunday.

"Just like Qantas, three-year-old Kopika and one-year-old Tharunicaa are Queensland-born and bred. If (Home Affairs Minister Peter) Dutton will not listen to our little town, maybe Qantas and other airlines will."

The message was reiterated at a small candlelight rally held at Lions Park in Biloela on Sunday night, with Ms Fredricks saying it was likely they would be deported on Tuesday.


Tamils Priya and Nadesalingam and their two Australian-born children lost a bid to stop their deportation at the Federal Circuit Court on Thursday, but have 21 days to appeal.

The family was issued deportation notices on Friday - less than two days into the appeal period - and has been moved to a Melbourne immigration detention centre.

About 100 people had also gathered in Melbourne on Sunday afternoon in support of the family.

Home to Bilo campaign spokeswoman Simone Cameron told the Victorian crowd an urgent hearing was expected to be held on Monday and they hoped an injunction would be successful.

The couple came to Australia separately by boat in 2012 and 2013 and settled in Biloela, Queensland, before having their two children.

Nadesalingam was getting ready for work and the children were in bed when Australian Border Force officials came to the house at dawn on March 5, and gave them 10 minutes to pack.

A week later the family was taken to Perth Airport and put on a plane to deport them to Sri Lanka before a last-minute legal intervention saw them being taken off.

Another petition containing about 100,000 signatures calling for their right to stay was delivered in May to Mr Dutton.

Mr Dutton's office and Qantas have been contacted for comment.

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