
It's lucky this man is not in a position of political power in the Australian government. Oh wait... he is.




When this man doesn’t get his way, he publicly tells a woman he’ll “tear her a new orifice”.

Charming, no?

It gets worse. He’ll also tell a rape survivor that she’s “never had a real man” in front of colleagues, and ultimately, all of Australia.

That’s the kind of charmer this guy is.

Just as well he’s not in a position of, say, political power in Australian government. Only… HE IS.

John Williams is the NSW MP for Murray-Darling, and in April, he told a gathering of 100 National party members that he would tear the NSW Environment Minister at the time, Robyn Parker, a “new orifice”.

He knew Ms Parker had been sexually assaulted as a teenager — she’s spoken about the incident and the trauma it caused her openly — and yet, he thought it’d be acceptable to suggest she’d “never had a real man.”

At the time, Williams was making a speech which he hoped would get him approved for pre-selection in the upper house. In other words, he was trying to impress people.

Instead, he seamlessly demonstrated why it’s so goddamn hard for women to break into politics. Oh, and how to be tactless, graphically inappropriate, sexist, and cruel all in the space of 5 minutes.

Robyn Parker

But wait. It gets worse.

John Williams tried to apologise to Ms Parker for his foul comments. And by apologise, I mean, say another idiot thing that demonstrates just how deeply ingrained this man’s tactlessness is.


Here’s his “apology,” which was sent in letter form to Ms Parker:

“Regrettably, I let my emotions take over and said some things that probably destroyed my chances of a winnable place.”

“I did some serious damage to myself by letting my emotions get the better. If I had my time over again I would never have said it. It was a stupid thing to say.”

The last part is accurate – it was a stupid thing to say. Or, technically, several very stupid things said in succession.

But otherwise? John Williams? That’s not an apology. Not even close. All you’ve done there is say how sad it is that you didn’t get elected to the upper house. You’ve literally said nothing whatsoever to Robyn Parker, whom you humiliated and insulted in a room full of her peers.

Yeah, that’s not an apology.

THIS is an apology.

What John Williams should have done — what he still needs to do — is acknowledge that his comments were reprehensible, personally apologise for the trauma he may have caused, and publicly retract what he said to Ms Parker.

Frankly, he should tear himself a new career outside of public office while he’s at it.

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