Ah, the Oscars. A beautiful time when all the most famous people in the world get together to reward people for their accomplishments celebrate art get drunk, eat pizza, take selfies, thank God, and mispronounce people’s names.
We already brought you the greatest moments from the 86th Academy Awards. Now, we present to you… The Most Awkward.
1. When John Travolta gave Idina Menzel a new name
You had one job, John Travolta.
All the Grease star has to do last night was introduce legendary Broadway singer/goddess Idina Menzel for her performance of Let It Go from Disney movie Frozen. But he simply made up a name and said that one instead. Because he was so good in Saturday Night Fever, he can officially do whatever the hell he wants forever and ever.
Repeat after us, Jahn Tramolto: Idina Menzel. I-din-a Men-zel.
Not Adella Dazeem, as John says in this video.
2. Matthew McConaughey thanked himself, AKA God
Matthew McCaughney, former rom-com star now Serious Academy Award Winning Actor Man, deserved his win last night. He was spellbinding in Dallas Buyers’ Club. As for his acceptance speech last night? It was even worse than that movie he did with Sarah Jessica Parker, Failure To Launch.
McConaughey said he needs three things in life: God, family, and a hero. And conveniently for him, he can fulfill all those roles himself. His ultimate hero is Future Mr McConaughey.
3. Orlando Bloom ambushed Miranda Kerr
Handsome tuxedo-clad Orlando Bloom swooped in to greet his recently estranged love, Miranda Kerr, right in the middle of an interview. Aussie supermodel Miranda, who came dressed as a human disco ball, was chatting happily to the media when her ex ambushed her with a kiss and a casual “You’re well?”
Skip to 0.49 for the exact moment he swoops in: