
Sunday's news in less than five minutes.

We’ve rounded up all the latest stories from Australia and around the world – so you don’t have to go searching.

1. Treasurer Joe Hockey has been paid $180,000 of taxpayer’s money to stay at his wife’s house in Canberra.

Interestingly, after giving a speech about the housing crisis that shocked the nation, it has been discovered that Joe Hockey has been using $1000 of taxpayer’s money to stay at his wife’s $2 million Canberra residence.

That’s the equivalent of the Newstart unemployment benefit.

Mr. Hockey already claims $271 a night when he stays in Canberra

Read more: Tony Abbott says Joe Hockey’s comments were not “out of touch.”

This allowance has meant Joe has been pooling a cool $12,267 a year for the past 15 years to live at his wife’s mansion. That’s over $180,000.

Joe Hockey has told the press that he pays his wife rent – an easy way to ensure he can still claim these travel allowances.


The Hockey family also own a five-bedroom home in Hunters Hill that is estimated to be worth $5.4 million.

They are currently in the process of selling the family’s $1.5 million Queensland farm. So if you’ve got some spare change (and a good job), you know where to buy.

2. New rules to stop prison staff having relationships with inmates in NSW.


Prison psychologists will conduct further tests to ensure there are no more liaisons between NSW inmate staff and the inmates they treat.

Since 2011, three female psychologists have either left or been dismissed as a result of inappropriate relationships forged with their inmate patients.

A fourth woman remains under fierce ­investigation for an improper relationship with Kieran Loveridge, whose unprovoked assault on teenager Thomas Kelly in 2012 prompted stricter sentencing for coward-punch assaults.

In the government’s investigation into these relationships, they found the main cause to be staff member vulnerability through loneliness, isolation or disillusionment. There is a fantasy in play as inmates use compliments to distract staff from their ‘past discretions’ – it’s seen as very exciting because their is a chance of being caught.

Read more: Arian Bayley will likely die in jail. And we are all safer for it.

After the government granted $50,000 to investigate these ‘fantasy relationships’, a drug and alcohol worker was found to be living with a parolee and was dismissed.

The woman was running group sessions with inmates at Long Bay Correctional Centre and became ­involved with an inmate, who was later granted parole and moved in with her.

Corrective Services was alerted after the parolee attempted to extort money from her.


3. A mother driving with her two infant children in the back seat has crashed into five cars while running from police in Sydney’s south-west.

A woman has been arrested after she allegedly hit five cars while being pursued by police, with her two infant children in the back seat in Sydney’s south-west.

Police said the 33-year-old unlicensed driver drove through a red light at Moorebank then failed to stop for officers.

The pursuit began when the woman allegedly accelerated to 110 kilometres per hour in a 60 kilometre per hour zone.

Read more: Why being dehydrated is just as bad as drink driving.

She apparently sideswiped three cars during the police chase and then hit the back of another before mounting the kerb and hitting a van.

Officers said the car finally came to a stop in the front yard of a home.

The woman was arrested, but after a breath test, it was clear she hadn’t been drinking.

The car finally comes to a halt. Via ABC News.

Her two children, a 14-month-old girl and a three-month-old boy, were taken to Liverpool Hospital with their mother for precautionary checks.

Police said the children were apparently properly restrained in baby capsules.

The woman is expected to be charged with a number of traffic offences, including being an unlicensed driver and police pursuit, known as Skye’s Law.


Inspector Ken Hardie said a man in his 20s was injured when the woman’s car rammed into the back of his car while he was in it.

“The woman is currently having X-rays for soreness to her back and the driver of the Hyundai is also having X-rays for soreness to his back,” he said.

“They’re both in a stable condition in Liverpool Hospital.”

Inspector Hardie said the actions of the woman were “disgusting”.

Read more: WATCH: The moment a policeman saved a baby’s life.

“It’s very disgusting, it’s very irresponsible of the woman to drive under those circumstances,” he said.

“People have just got to use common sense when they’ve got children in the car especially. Your actions can [have quite an] impact on them.”

4. The man who will receive the world’s first head transplant is ‘not worried.’

Valery Spiridonov met the doctor who plans on transplanting his head for the first time on Friday at the meeting of the American Academy of Neurological and Orthopaedic Surgeons.

An Italian neurosurgeon by the name of Sergio Canavero wants to transplant the head by 2017, and says the procedure will have a 90% survival rate.

Valery Spiridonov.

But Valery Spiridonov is not worried. In fact, he says it’s just a matter of ‘making science.’

Thirty-year-old Spiridonov has a muscle-wasting disease known as Werdnig-Hoffman and hopes he transplants will save more lives. “If it goes good, I think I will get rid of the limits which I have today and I will be more independent and this will much improve my life,” he said.


The procedure itself will take 36 hours and require 100 different medical professionals. You can see the plan in action (sort of) in this TED talk.

5. British couple become world’s oldest newlyweds.

A 103-year-old man and a 91-year-old woman have held their wedding in Britain, becoming the oldest couple in the world to get married.

George Kirby and Doreen Luckie — together for 27 years — looked delighted as they tied the knot on Saturday at a hotel in the seaside town of Eastbourne, southern England, before close friends and family.

The bride wore a white dress with blue flowers while the groom, a former boxer, was dressed smartly in a suit and tie, and was in a wheelchair following a recent fall.

With a combined age of 194 years, the pair beat the previous record held by a French couple, Francois Fernandez and Madeleine Francineau, who had a combined age of 191 years.

George and Doreen. Image via ABC News.

Speaking ahead of the ceremony, Ms Luckie said the couple had “no regrets” about not doing it earlier.

“We didn’t want to bother about marriage before but eventually we did it,” she said.

Read more: Dear bigoted couple that wants to divorce because of the gay marriage bill.

The couple reportedly have seven children, 15 grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren between them.

They got engaged on Valentine’s Day this year, according to the Daily Mail.

“I didn’t get down on one knee, because I don’t think I would have been able to get back up,” the newspaper quoted Kirby as saying.


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