
Jodhi Meares' average day is a lot fancier than ours.

For most of us, a good start to the day means not pressing “snooze” so many times you end up late to work.

Not for Jodhi Meares, though. The Tigerlily founder revealed in an interview with Harpers Bazaar that her day starts at 5am each day.

“I like to rise with the sun – there’s a certain sanity which comes with getting up at first light,” she says.

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“I like to walk to my 6.30am yoga class at North Bondi and that can take around 55 minutes. I’m like Forrest Gump – I walk as much as I can.”

Before participating in a vinyasa style yoga class, Meares drinks warm water and lemon to “cleanse” her blood, kidneys and liver. “When I was 26 I did a pretty full-on detox and it’s a habit that’s stuck,” she says. (Post continues after gallery.)

Once her class has finished at 7:30am (so… when you and I are just waking up?) it’s time to grab a pressed juice or a chai tea — Meares explains she gave up coffee “years ago” — and maybe a brekkie of wholegrain toast with smashed avocado or an egg white omelette.

Meares revealed she’s a big fan of supplements including Vitamin B1 for energy, silica for hair and nails, a multivitamin, probiotic and fish oil.

“If I’m about to get on a plane and need a massive immunity boost, I see my doctor for a course of Vitamin C that’s administered intravenously. You have to sit there for an hour, once a week for six weeks, so it requires commitment, but it’s amazing,” she revealed.

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Then it’s time for a shower — or maybe even two. Evidently Meares is all about squeaky-clean hair.

“I’m mad for clean hair, so I jump in the shower and usually end up washing it once or even twice a day,” Meares says. (Post continues after gallery.)

Her skincare routine is relatively minimal and straightforward. “Cetaphil is my skincare staple and then I’ll use oils like jojoba to moisturise. Anything with chemicals I steer clear of,” she says.

“Occasionally I like a bit of microdermabrasion to buff away dull skin. I’m not a huge makeup girl, so I’ll slap on a tinted moisturiser with sunscreen and maybe perfume. I’m obsessed with Gypsy Water by Byredo Parfums at the moment: lots of yummy amber, sandalwood and juniper berries.”

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At 9am, it’s time for the Tigerlily and The Upside designer to tackle her emails. although she prefers to pick up the phone.

“Instead of doing conference meetings or coffee meetings, I ask people to walking meetings. There’s a brilliant TED talk by Nilofer Merchant about it. It’s a simple change that can have a major impact on your health,” she says.

After a day in The Upside‘s Surry Hills office, it’s time for another yoga class. “I can only cope with about five or six hours cooped up in an office, so sometimes I’ll try and make a 6pm yoga class, heading straight there from work,” she says.

"It's ridiculous how many yoga mats I own: I keep five in Hawaii, store a few in New York with friends, keep at least four at home - and I've lost count of how many there are in the office."


Meares says at the end of balmy Sydney summer days she'll often take a swim in one of the city's harbour beaches. "The last thing I feel like at 6pm is dealing with crowds at Bondi or Bronte. There's a great little beach at the end of Wolseley Road that's just heaven. And no-one in sight," Meares reveals.

At home, it's time for an Epson salt bath with a cup of tea, then bed by 10pm.

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"I'm normally in bed by 10pm. If there's nothing to do I'm like a dog - I'll happily sleep. I suppose that's why I love the Hawaiian lifestyle. That feeling of exhausting yourself during the day with paddleboarding, soft-sand runs, yoga and hiking through the rainforest. So much peace comes from that," she says.

Despite the interview being published months ago, it's recently resurfaced, with Twitter taking to it faster than Pete Evans to activated almonds. (Post continues after gallery.)

Described as "ridiculous" and a "joke", the main issue people seem to have? The fact Meares has evidently not seen Forrest Gump, given he's famous for running not walking.

While it may be a little (okay, a lot!) fancier than your own day-to-day routine, as Gump also says, "What's normal anyways?"

Do you think Meares' routine is a little strange? What does your average day look like?

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