
6 alternatives to desk-bound drudgery.

Tech Trades Navy
Thanks to our brand partner, Tech Trades Navy

I absolutely love my job.

But sometimes, after another long week of desk-bound deadlines, I find myself fantasising about a job that involves a little more…adventure.

One that involves meeting new people and traveling to exotic and exciting parts of the world, week in, week out.

So here’s a list of the six best jobs involving travel. And if this whole journalism thing doesn’t work out, one of these might just become my Plan B.

“One that involves meeting new people and traveling to exotic and exciting parts of the world, week in, week out.”

1. Flight attendant.

OK, this is an obvious one, but there’s just something glamorous about a career as a flight attendant, isn’t there? Spending every night in a different city, and wearing those matching outfits…

I actually spent years as a teenager seriously considering it, and I still think it would be pretty awesome.

Related: Go home all other flight attendants – you will never match this guy’s safety presentation.

You don’t need a fancy degree, and you just have to be a people person without a fear of flying (Oh, and be tall enough to reach those overhead lockers).

 Just as an FYI, this post is sponsored by Tech Trades Navy. But all opinions expressed by the author are 100 per cent authentic and written in their own words.

Sure, you’ll have to deal with screaming babies and annoying passengers, but you’ll also get to see the world, and enjoy the major perk of heavily discounted flights for you and your family. Winning.

2. Professional shopper.

This job entails you travelling the country and the world, and being paid to spend someone else’s money. No, I’m not pulling your leg. It is an actual, dream job.


Of course, there’s more to it than going on an endless shopping spree. Retail buyers work for certain stores or brands and they keep track of stock, take part in vendor meetings, conferences and trade shows and research trends, customer demands and appropriate prices.

Still, it sounds like the perfect job to me.

So many clothes, so little time.

3. Nanny/Au pair.

Nannying for a family overseas sounds like a pretty sweet gig.

Au pairs live with their host family and provide the usual nanny services, such as looking after the kids, picking them up and dropping them off at school and extra-curricular activities, helping them with homework and doing some housework and cooking.

Related: Will the government help pay for your nanny?

You’ll need to know a second language if you plan on working in a non-English-speaking country, and join an international agency.

Of course, it helps to actually like kids…

4. Events coordinator.

If you are organised and good with people, problem solving and attention to detail, this could be the one for you

Event coordinators can plan things like weddings and parties locally, but if travel is your main objective, this career can also see you planning big events like festivals, conferences and trade shows around the world.


I imagine it could be stressful, but nailing a successful event would also be pretty satisfying.

You could plan big events like festivals, conferences and trade shows around the world.

5. Archaeologist.

Ever watched Indiana Jones or The Mummy? Then you will know that archaeologists are responsible for studying artifacts from past human societies. They recover, record and analyse relics and remains and are required to travel around the world, often to remote locations.

If you are interested in history, this is pretty much the ultimate gig. Even without Harrison Ford by your side.

Related: This is the CEO’s career advice that every woman should ignore.

6. Join the Navy.

A career in the Navy would tick all the boxes – it’s challenging, every day is different, you get to travel and it’s also a job that allows you to give back and make a difference.

And there are so many different roles available within the Navy (think chefs, engineers, tradies and plenty of other roles that you wouldn’t even know existed).

So, feeling inspired yet? Every one of these six jobs will let you see the world and inject some adventure into your life. Excuse me while I start packing…

Excuse me while I start packing.


What’s your dream travelling job?

Here are some of our fav flicks bound to inspire a career change:

The Royal Australian Navy has a host of diverse roles available for both men and women who are looking for a rewarding, flexible and challenging career. Navy is currently recruiting for various trade roles.

For further information on becoming a trade technician in the Navy visit: or call 13 19 01.

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