
Jill Duggar shares a photo of her son and the parents attack.

Because Jill (who is a midwife) apparently has no idea what she’s doing.

Jill Duggar, 23, and Derick Dillard, 25, have welcomed their first child just under a month ago. And the unsolicited baby advice on how they should parent their baby boy Israel has already begun rolling on in.

Why? Because Jill, who is a midwife, apparently doesn’t know how to carry her son in a sling properly. A photo on Facebook of Jill, carrying her son Israel in a sling alongside her husband Derick has been racking up comments from parents. Most of which, aren’t very positive.

The photo that's causing all of the controversy.

Commenters pulled the photo apart, pointing out everything from Israel being too low in the sling, suggesting it would cause back problems for Jill who had a c-section, to the baby possibly suffocating.

On the Facebook page, Duggar Family News: Life is not all pickles and hairspray, they even went as far as to demonstrate the way Jill 'should' be carrying baby Israel. They wrote:

"I've gotten a lot of comments concerning how Jill is wearing baby Izzy in this photo. I am not a sling expert but even I knew right away that Izzy is not safe in that position. The other photos show the proper way to position a newborn in a ring sling. How can Jill make such a serious mistake? She's been around babies and baby stuff all her life. She's taken EMT and midwifery training classes. Maybe this is something Radar needs to address."

There were even comments suggesting that they, the commenters, couldn't believe Jill would take a baby so young out of the home.

The picture Duggar family news shared correcting Jill.

Some commenters supported Jill, arguing that she was still nursing at the time the photo was taken. Jill has made no comment on the controversy and she shouldn't really have to.

The woman had a baby less than a month ago, cut her some slack.

Did you ever get parenting advice you didn't want when you first had a baby?

SCROLL THROUGH the gallery to see ALL the photos of little baby Israel...

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