
Roxy founder Jill Dodd on her time as a "pleasure wife" for one of the world's richest men.

Today, Jill Dodd is a married mother-of-three and successful designer, writer and businesswoman, who founded surf brand Roxy in 1989.

But in the early 1980s, she was a 21-year-old model, living as a “pleasure wife” to one of the world’s richest men, billionaire Adnan Khashoggi.

Dodd reflected on that time in her life in an interview with 60 minutes on Sunday night, sharing how she met the Saudi arms dealer at a party in Monaco in 1980.

Jill Dodd and Adnan Khashoggi. (Image via 60 Minutes.)

"He pulled up my sleeve and he wrote 'I love you.' I was like oh my god that's blood and I was kind of shocked, but I thought it was really funny and cute at the same time," she said.


Dodd details in her book about the relationship, The Currency of Love, that she was taken by the "intelligent, worldly and amusing" then-44-year-old father of five.

A few dates later and she had "fallen for his charms". So much so that when he asked if she would become one of his 11 "pleasure wives" - extra-marital partners allowed by Saudi law - she agreed.

"In that moment, I become a member of Adnan's harem, taking turns with other women to have sex with the man I love," Dodd wrote in her memoir.

She described the unconventional structure of their relationship, which required her signature on a contract, to 60 Minutes' Peter Stefanovic.

Jill Dodd doesn't regret her relationship. (Image via 60 Minutes.)

"'He said 'I want to take care of you, I want to make a five-year contract with you. I'll provide everything for you and you will be at my beck and call 24 hours a day'."

"I never thought of myself as a hooker, I still don't think that."

The now 58-year-old said their relationship included everything from parties with royalty and politicians to drug-fuelled sex sessions.

"We did (cocaine) recreationally. We would lock ourselves in a room for days, we would make love, we would eat, the chef would bring us food."

The US woman says after two years she decided to end the relationship and pursue a more traditional life.

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The split was amicable, and although Khashoggi will never get to read The Currency of Love - the 81-year-old died in June this year around the time of the book's publishing - it's believed he knew she was writing it, and had no problem with it.

Dodd said she never regretted her time with Khashoggi.

"He was great, we just melded together. He was a great lover, everything was just mutual and beautiful," she said on 60 Minutes.

"I believe I was in love with him."

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