
The contents of Jessica Rowe's handbag have people puzzled.

From the necessities like phone, wallet and keys to the slightly unusual or forgotten items lurking in the debris, we all keep a lot of crap in our handbags.

But while most of us do our best to hide it, Jessica Rowe has opened hers up for the world (or her Instagram followers at least) to see.

“What’s in your bag?” she captioned the photo of the inside of her bag.

“Me – I’ve got all I need – unicorn snot, chewy, a spare bra and one kilo bag of panko crumbs!”

Chewing gum and a spare bra? Potentially not that uncommon. And pretty darn clever, to be honest.


But it takes something special when a kilo bag of panko crumbs isn’t the most unusual item in your bag. (Post continues after gallery.)

Yep, there was one essential Rowe mentioned that had her followers truly puzzled – unicorn snot.

“What is unicorn snot?”, “WTF is unicorn snot”, and “What the eff is unicorn snot?! Sounds amazing,” comments were left in their hordes.

We were also confused. Was it a child’s toy? A magical elixir? Genuine snot taken from a mythical creature? Not quite.

Watch: Jessica Rowe on the subject of resilience. Post continues after video.

“[It’s] body and face glitter!” Rowe responded to one follower.

Available from a range of online sites and boutiques like Beginning Boutique, Unicorn snot is a non-toxic glitter gel that can be used on the face, body and even hair. It retails for $19.95.


The magical tubs. Image: Beginning Boutique

"It's translucent when applied with the most insane amount of sparkly, coloured glitter you've ever seen!" the product description reads.

"Join us in fantasyland and apply generous amounts of the Unicorn Snot Gold on your cheekbones, arms, legs and anywhere else you want to sparkle with the snot of unicorns!"

It probably raised more questions than it answers (When does Rowe wear it? Where does she wear it? Is it office appropriate?) but one thing's for sure - we kind of want some for ourselves. Never change, Jess!

Image: Instagram/@jessjrowe.

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