
It's official: There's another Duggar baby on the way.

These newlyweds couldn’t keep it a secret any longer.

Yes it’s true, Jessa Duggar and her husband Ben Seewald, 19, are expecting their first child.

The 22-year-old Duggar told People, “We’re expecting! We are so excited. The due date is the 1st of November, our wedding anniversary.”

Jessa Duggar and Ben Seewald's pregnancy announcement.
Jessa Duggar and Ben Seewald's pregnancy announcement.

Speculation that the newlyweds were expecting began circulating when a photo was posted to a Facebook fan page, that looked very much like a pregnancy announcement.

The picture showed Jessa and Ben holding their hands over her belly in the shape of a heart.

A bit of a giveaway there…

Is this Jessa and Ben's pregnancy announcement? (Image via Twitter)

The pair married in November last year and previously explained they would like to adopt children and that having children is important to them.

“Even before we were married, we wanted to adopt. We hope to adopt a lot of kids. If God blesses us with biological kids of our own, it's not going to quench our desire to adopt,” she said in an interview with a local Arkansas TV station.

However Arkansas state law prohibits couples from adopting children until they have been married for two years.

Congratulations Jessa and Ben!

SCROLL THROUGH the gallery of the Duggar lovers...

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