real life

Jesinta Campbell calls the Buddy rumours exactly what they are.

Jesinta Campbell handles the media like a pro.

Here’s what happens when you’re down: everyone piles on. It must have passed down from when we were pack animals (humans descended from wolves, right?) and we had to get rid of the weakest link.

Buddy Franklin, 28, is experiencing just such a culling right now, and his fiancee Jesinta Campbell, 24, (definitely an alpha dog) has had enough.

Last week, it was announced that Franklin would not be playing for the Sydney Swans for the rest of the season due to ongoing mental health issues after he suffered a possible epileptic fit at a Bondi cafe.

Jesinta is running in the Blackmore’s Running Festival on Sunday. Image via Instagram.

There followed fevered speculation about what could possibly be the matter. Buddy Franklin, beloved sportsman, and his gorgeous TV personality/model fiancee Jesinta Campbell stayed quiet, preferring to focus on Franklin’s health.

Of course, we couldn’t let them do that.

Rumour after rumour, hiding behind the guise of being exactly that, rumours, have been reported about the couple all week.

She and Buddy Franklin are just fine, thanks very much, say Campell.

But today, Campbell gave a verbal eye-roll to the rumours as she promoted the Blackmore’s Running Festival in her capacity as ambassador for the company today.

She was keen to talk about the matter at hand, but all she got were questions about her fiance.

“Rumours are rumours for a reason and you’re all reporters so if you actually want to report on anything of substance then I’m sure you’ll actually be interested to know that two in three adults in Australia and one in four children in Australia suffer with obesity and overweight issues,” she said, showing extreme segue skillz.

Golden couple.

“So it’s great that I can be here promoting something that’s so positive in the community and promoting a great healthy, active lifestyle and that’s what it’s about.

“So let’s stick to promoting things of substance and reporting on things that actually have weight to them,” she concluded, then presumably dropped the mike and crip-walked off stage.

As far as she would go in talking about Buddy was to say, “He’s got the best support around him and we’re so grateful to everyone that has reached out to us and he’s getting the best help possible and he’ll be back before we know it.”

Well played, Jesinta.

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