J.Lo. She’s 45, she’s Jenny From The Block, and she’s been labelled a cougar. Often.
The Oxford Dictionary (and by ‘Oxford Dictionary’, we mean ‘modern slang’) would define a ‘cougar‘ as a woman who dates younger men. And what is the name for a man who dates younger women?
There isn’t one. SURPRISE, SURPRISE.
You know who’s also noticed that? J.Lo.
Jennifer was on the Ellen show yesterday, and in her charming way, Ellen grilled Jennifer about her penchant for younger men. (Jenny dated 27-year-old Casper Smart for a couple of years, and now she is rumoured to be dating her 27-year-old Boy Next Door co-star, Ryan Guzman.)
She denied the rumours. And then she said this:
“I hate they have a label for a woman who would date a younger guy. If a younger guy is interested in you, what’s the big deal? What’s the word for the man who’s after younger girls?
“I’m not ‘after’ younger guys. If younger guys like me then that’s one thing. There’s like guys who just go after younger women. They have no name. No label. And I can date one person. Label.”
If J.Lo is dating a 27-year-old man, then he is the luckiest 27-year-old man around. Case closed.