
7 women who hated their wedding day, including Jennifer Lawrence.

Growing up, women are constantly told their wedding day will be most the magical day of their lives. 

And while there are plenty of women who look back on theirs fondly, there are also those who wish they could go back in time and do things totally differently. Not because they're unhappy in their marriage, but because the actual ceremony was a bit of a disaster. 

Jennifer Lawrence is one of these people.

Watch: Ask Mia Anything | My Wedding Day. Post continues below.

Video via Mamamia.

The Academy Award-winning actor tied the knot in 2019 to gallery director Cooke Maroney but said the day was "awful" and "so stressful". 

Speaking at the 2024 Golden Globes, Lawrence said she was continuously worrying about whether her guests were having fun.

"I’ll never forget – I was freaking out about the guests being cold and all of my friends were lying they're like, 'Nobody's cold, nobody's cold, everything's fine, everything's fine'," she said. 

However, as the day went on, Lawrence's mother proved that her suspicions were correct.


"My mum was like, 'It's freezing out there, your grandmother almost died'," she joked.

Unsurprisingly, Lawrence's wedding featured a star-studded guest list, including Robert De Niro. According to the No Hard Feelings star, Bob (can you imagine calling the Golden Globe winner Bob!?) was walking around the venue looking lost and bored.

"I looked over, and I saw Bob, who doesn't know anybody and he's kind of wandering around, and I immediately was like, 'No, this isn't what he wants to be doing. I don't want him here'," she said. 

"So, I went over and whispered, I was like, 'Go home' and he was nice – he like talked to my parents and was polite – but I was like, 'Go'," she added, admitting that she felt a lot more relaxed after he left.

Lawrence's wedding hosted 150 guests including Adele, Emma Stone, Ashley Olsen, Nicole Richie, Cameron Diaz and Kris Jenner to name a few, so we don't blame her for being stressed.

While most people don't have the world's biggest celebs at their wedding, that doesn't mean they don't have regrets of their own. So we asked women what they hated about their weddings – and boy, did they have some doozies. 

Weddings aren't always the most magical day of a woman's life. For some, it's a complete disaster. Image: Getty.


"I didn't know 99 per cent of the guests." 

A guest list for a wedding usually includes those closest to the bride and groom, but Bengali bride Devjanee didn't know half the attendees.

In South Asian culture, big weddings are the norm, and while it certainly makes the occasion lively, it also means it's hard to keep track of who is who. 

"Our weddings are unnecessarily expensive (in my opinion) because your family would invite gazillions of people 'they know'," she said. "I didn't know 99 per cent of the guests, and if I could go back, I would invite people that I actually cared about."

"The rain ruined everything."

We can plan the most perfect wedding for months, but when Mother Nature comes knocking, no one can stop her from intruding. Julia's wedding was hit with torrential rain, a risk that comes with having an outdoor wedding.


"My photos were so disappointing. There's so much I wish I could go back and change," she said. 

"A lot of our guests had to leave afterwards to get changed before the reception, so they missed the drinks and nibbles we had organised after the ceremony."

But it's not all doom and gloom, because they do say that rain on your wedding day is good luck, which checks out considering Julia has been married for 19 years.

"I guess it made it memorable."

"My uncle tried to punch him."

If there's one thing that really shouldn't happen at a wedding it's cheap shots against the bride and groom's parents – especially by the in-laws.

Michelle's father-in-law made a speech that was so sexist and hateful, that it had to be wiped from all the videos.

"He said that my mother couldn't be a feminist as she was 'far too attractive'," she revealed. "My uncle tried to punch him."

The food and guest list weren't great either.

"There were a dozen politicians there that I didn’t know, and there were frozen peas in the Caesar salad," she said. 

She had little say in the matter as her parents were paying for the whole thing, but if she had the chance now, she would redo it completely. 

"I've been happily married for 31 years now, but if I could go back, I would change so much about my wedding."


"I cared too much about what other people thought."

While weddings are meant to be all about the bride and groom, a lot of the time it's anything but. That was the case for Courtney, who gave into the expectations of her mother during her first wedding.

"Giving in to what other people wanted was the main thing I hated, along with the flowers, type of wedding, size and guest list," she said.

For the second wedding, however, she had learned her lesson, admitting that, "By marriage number two I was able to plan exactly what we wanted and ignore as many expectations and traditions as we liked."

"The ambulance had to be called to the reception."

All anyone wants for their wedding day is for it to go smoothly with zero hiccups, but usually, the couple are worried about tripping down the aisle, or saying the wrong name when reading out their vows.

What they aren't concerned about is someone having to be rushed to the hospital. 

Emma's wedding was tainted for two major reasons: 1. She hated her dress and 2. The paramedics had to be called after an unfortunate incident.

"One of my guests had an anaphylactic reaction to something in the dinner so we had an ambulance and paramedics at the reception, and I spent an hour consoling her son," she said.

She then got so drunk thanks to her bridesmaids that she was the last person to leave the reception.

"I look back on the whole day and cringe – except for the part where I married my best friend!"


"We fell pregnant before the wedding."

For some brides, being pregnant at their wedding is a moment they can't wait to tell their child about. But for others, it can come as a massive surprise, derailing the entire occasion she so meticulously planned out.

That was the case for bride Megan, who unexpectedly fell pregnant three months before her wedding, forcing her to postpone her big day.

"No way could we make it work financially," she said. "It was, however, important to me at the time that we were married before I had the baby, so we had a secret ceremony, which no one but our immediate family knew about."

When Megan and her husband finally had their "fake" wedding two years later, the excitement had fizzled out.

"I was already legally married, I had a 15-month-old daughter, my body had changed, and ultimately I had changed – it felt unnecessary but it felt like I had committed to the cause, and I guess it was somewhat important to me to have my wedding with other friends having their fairytale weddings."

To top it off, she paid for an expensive photographer to cover the day, only for her to lose all the photos after the USB corrupted.

"I asked her if she had the photos and she didn't, so I also have no digital wedding photos anymore. I have to laugh or I will cry!" she said. 

"I regret the wedding – not the marriage."

Feature Image: Getty.

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