1. Um, Brad Pitt, you’re doing it wrong.
You might have seen the footage of The Project teamsters Carrie Bickmore, Charlie Pickering and Dave Hughes interviewing megastar Brad Pitt while he was here promoting his new movie World War Z in Sydney this week.
In case you missed it, in short they – understandably – came across a little starstruck during the interview and Brad Pitt ate Vegemite for the first time.
But Brad Pitt? You’re doing it wrong.
Everyone knows that as an Australian ambassador it’s your job to ensure visitors to our fine country DO NOT eat it by the spoonful (unless you really dislike said person) alas it’s not the hosts fault.
Watch Carrie Bickmore below running to find a cracker (um, was she going to swim ashore for it?) for Brad Pitt and well, he immediately asks for a beer to wash it down.
2. You won’t believe what Buffy star Sarah Michelle Gellar wants her daughter vaccinated against.
3. LOOK! Jennifer Hawkins honeymoons in Paris.
You may have heard that model and television host, Jennifer Hawkins recently married her beau of eight years, Jake Wall because well, that DRESS. And yet here we are several days later feeling the lull that comes after a celebrity wedding (*tongue firmly in cheek here*) but don’t despair we can stalk take a peak at Jen’s epic honeymoon via her Instagram account.