
Celeb news: Jennifer Aniston's tell-all interview.

In a revealing interview with UK’s May InStyle magazine, 43-year-old Jennifer Aniston has opened up about her age, her new man, her style and what’s in store for 2012.

First here’s the shoot from the magazine:

On the subject of age, Jennifer said:

You know what makes me feel old? When I see girls who are twenty-something, or the new crop of actresses and think, “Aren’t we kind of the same age?” You lose perspective.

‘Or being offered the part of a woman with a 17-year-old child. It’s like, “I’m not old enough to have a 17-year-old!” Then you realise, well, yeah, you are.

But she adds: ‘I don’t feel my age. I feel young every day.’

On Justin Theroux she said:

‘Having experienced everything you don’t want in a partner over time, it starts to narrow down to what you actually do want. As I get older, I realise what qualities are important in love, what suits me and what I won’t settle for.’

On style she said:

“I feel sexy in my jeans and wearing my boyfriend’s T-shirt.’

‘He has great style – it’s very specific and it has been his style forever.’  ‘But has it influenced mine? No. I know people say it has – “Oh look, you’re dressing alike”. And I think, “No I’m not. I’ve had this jacket for three years!”‘

On the red carpet, it’s time for me to start doing something different. I play it very safe, because I just want to be comfortable. If I could wear a jersey tank that went down to the floor, I would.’

“I’m a bit of a clothes hoarder, admittedly. I try to weed out stuff. My girlfriends come over for cheese and wine and go shopping in my wardrobe.

They especially love it when they get stuff with a tag still on.”

Last week we ran a hilarious post showing Jen’s funny side on an episode of Ellen. You can watch that here:
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